How do I create a poll on Facebook page?

Start a Poll in a Facebook Group Click the Create a public post option. In the Create Post box, click the three-dots menu at the bottom and select Poll. This turns your normal post into a poll post. Type the question for your poll at the top.

How do you create a poll on Facebook 2021?

How do I create a Facebook poll?

  1. Sign-in to your Facebook Business page.
  2. In the ‘Write a post…’ box, click the ellipsis next to ‘Write Note’.
  3. Select ‘Poll’ and type your question in the box that appears.
  4. Type your answers (options 1 and 2)
  5. Add images/GIFs (highly recommended).
  6. Choose how long you want it to run for.

How do you create a poll on Facebook app?

Open the Facebook app and go to your profile page. Click Add to Story. Swipe across the top options and find the Poll button, which looks like a column bar graph. You’ll be given a prompt: “Ask a question…” with “Yes” and “No” answers.

Did Facebook do away with polls?

Why did Facebook remove polls? Facebook did not remove the feature completely, but temporarily for an update on the feature.

Why can’t I Create a poll on my Facebook page?

Only group members and admins can vote on polls. If you don’t see this option available in your group, it could be because the group admins don’t allow this kind of post in your group. If you’re an admin, learn how to manage this feature in your group.

Did Facebook do away with Polls?

Did Facebook remove the poll feature?

Facebook did not do it; they modified the feature. It eliminated polls from the main page for individuals. It means users with personal accounts can’t put polls on their news feed. But they can still do them in stories and on the news feed of groups, or on pages or events.

Why can’t I create a poll on Facebook 2021?

It’s somewhat limited to make a poll from a personal account in 2021. People can’t do it from their newsfeed or timeline. They can only do it in a story or in a group, as explained in the section above. Here are the steps for creating a poll on FB’s stories.

Where is the poll option on Facebook?

Open the Facebook app. Tap on the blue four-dotted icon on the bottom left. Tap the “Polls” icon. Beneath “Question” and “Options” enter your questions and the options to choose from.

How do you create a poll on Facebook on Iphone?

About This Article

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Tap the three lines and select Events.
  3. Tap the event.
  4. Tap Say something.
  5. Swipe up on the menu.
  6. Tap Poll.
  7. Create your poll.
  8. Tap Post.