How do I create a list box in Excel VBA?

To create a list box in Excel VBA, execute the following steps.

  1. On the Developer tab, click Insert.
  2. In the ActiveX Controls group, click List Box.
  3. Drag a list box on your worksheet.
  4. Open the Visual Basic Editor.
  5. Double click on This Workbook in the Project Explorer.

How do I add items to a ListBox in Excel VBA?

There are 3 ways to add items to the VBA Listbox:

  1. One at a time using the AddItem property.
  2. Adding an array/range using the List property.
  3. Adding a Range using the RowSource property.

What is a list box in VBA?

The list box in Excel VBA is a list assigned to a variable. This list has various inputs to select from and allows selecting multiple options at once. A list box can be inserted on a UserForm by choosing the list box option. List boxes use named ranges having certain values.

How do I create a multi column ListBox in VBA?

In order to fill a multi column listbox with data there are 2 steps:

  1. Step 1, Create a new row: This can be done using the code below: ListBox1.AddItem.
  2. Step 2, Modify the new row: Using the method explained in the previous section the fields of the new row are be modified.

How do I create a drop down list in Excel VBA?

2. Generating Drop Down List by Named Range with VBA in Excel

  1. Firstly, select the range where the values of the dropdown list are present (in our case, the range is B5:B9).
  2. Secondly, right-click on the selected range.
  3. A list of options will appear. From there, select Define Name…

How do you create a ListBox in Excel?

Add a list box or combo box to a worksheet in Excel

  1. Create a list of items that you want to displayed in your list box like in this picture.
  2. Click Developer > Insert.
  3. Under Form Controls, click List box (Form Control).
  4. Click the cell where you want to create the list box.

Can a ListBox have multiple columns?

A multicolumn ListBox places items into as many columns as are needed to make vertical scrolling unnecessary. The user can use the keyboard to navigate to columns that are not currently visible.

How do I create a drop down box in VBA?

Create a Drop Down list

  1. Select cell B2.
  2. Go to tab “Data” on the ribbon.
  3. Press with left mouse button on the “Data validation” button and a dialog box appears.
  4. Press with mouse on the Drop Down list below “Allow:” and select “List”.
  5. Type your macro names in Source: field, separated by a comma.

How to create a listbox in VBA?

VBA Listbox – Selected Item 1 Creating List Box in a VBA Form. To create a list box in a VBA form, we first need to create the UserForm. 2 Selecting Values from the List Box. By default, a single value can be selected in a List Box in a user form. 3 Working with the Selected Values in VBA. 4 Selecting Multiple Values.

What is a list box in Excel form?

The List Box will pick up values that are stored in a Range of Cells in your Excel Worksheet. When we run the form, the list box will be shown as demonstrated in the image below: By default, a single value can be selected in a List Box in a user form. However this can be amended by changing the Multi-Select property of the list box.

How to display list of items to a list in Excel VBA?

Excel VBA UserForm Listbox ListBox is one of the UserForm control. You can select and drag ListBox on the UserForm. This control is used to display list of items to a list.

What is listbox_control in userform?

ListBox is one of the UserForm control. You can select and drag ListBox on the UserForm. This control is used to display list of items to a list. This is used on the UserForm. Please find more details about ListBox_Control in the following chapter.