How do I create a CHM help file?

How to Create a CHM Help File

  1. Add and write help topics using a built-in word processor with a spell checker.
  2. Build the hierarchical Table of Contents by organizing your help topics into headings, sub-headings, and subsubheadings.
  3. Associate topics with keywords to provide the alphabetical Index.

How do I create a doxygen CHM file?

The short story: I can generate a CHM file with Doxygen….To see if this is what you are encountering try the following:

  1. From windows explorer, Right click the generated . chm file and select properties.
  2. On the General tab, if you see an Unblock button, click it.
  3. Close the dialog and open the . chm file.

Is CHM obsolete?

Yes. The feature is no longer available, and a replacement feature is available. The HTML-based Help files are being replaced with a more robust Help server that provides Help content to all clients from a centralized location.

How do you create a help file?

The main steps for creating a help file are as follows:

  1. create the help.
  2. create the help pages (with images if necessary)
  3. create the links between the help pages.
  4. create the summary.
  5. create the index.
  6. compile the help and run its test.
  7. link the help pages to the project elements.

How do I create a CHM file using HTML workshop?

HTML Help (. CHM) Compiler

  1. On the Tools menu, click the Options command.
  2. Select “General|Compilers” on the left sidebar.
  3. Specify the full path to the “HHC. EXE” file on your computer (for example, “C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\HHC.exe”).
  4. Then click “OK” to save the changed options.

What is a CHW file?

A file with the CHW file extension is a Compiled Help Index file. It’s created when multiple Compiled HTML Help (. CHM) files are merged together. CHM files are help documents used by some programs to store questions and answers about how a program works or what the different options mean.

Does doxygen support Javascript?

check the doxygen pages, there is support for Javascript.

What replaced CHM files?

It was introduced as the successor to Microsoft WinHelp with the release of Windows 95 OSR 2.5 and consequently, Windows 98. Within the Windows NT family, the CHM file support is introduced in Windows NT 4.0 and is still supported in Windows 11….Microsoft Compiled HTML Help.

Filename extension .chm
Extended to .lit

Can CHM file contain virus?

Besides executable files, you can also have a virus that manipulates the program that opens it, like malicious Windows Help (CHM) files. A CHM virus will open the Windows Help program and use some of its features to harm your computer.

How do I create an online help file?

How to Create a CHM Help File, Online Help System, or PDF Manual

  1. Download and Install HelpSmith.
  2. Create a New Help Project.
  3. Add Topics to the Table of Contents.
  4. Write Topic Content in the Built-in Editor.
  5. Add a Hyperlink.
  6. Create the Keyword Index.
  7. Customize Help File Settings.
  8. Compile Your Help Project.