How do I convert FB files to VB?

You can convert an FB data set to a VB data set with OUTFIL’s FTOV parameter. Each VB output record has a 4-byte RDW followed by the corresponding data from the FB input record, and the length in the RDW is the length of the FB record plus 4.

What is FB and VB in JCL?

VB file is variable block, where each line can have different format or to be specific the size of the fields is not standard or fixed. FB – Fixed block: No: 2 characters, 1 Space, Name: 6 characters, 1 Space, Age: 2 characters. Hence the file size is 12.

How do I copy a VB file to FB file using sort?

Explaining Solution:

  1. OUTFIL FNAMES=FBOUTP,.. – Specifies the output is Fixed block file.
  2. OUTFIL FNAMES=..,VTOF,.. – Specifies the conversion is Variable to Fixed.
  3. OUTFIL FNAMES=..,OUTREC=(5,80) – Copies from 5th to 80th byte of the input file to output file.

What is FTOV in JCL?

The following JCL and DFSORT control statements convert the bookstore data set records from FB to VB. This parameter converts fixed-length input records to variable-length output records. FTOV can be used both with and without the OUTREC parameter.

What is vb file in mainframe?

VB (Variable Blocked) This format places several variable-length logical records (each with an RDW) in one physical block. The software must place an additional Block Descriptor Word (BDW) at the beginning of the block, containing the total length of the block.

What is Vltrim?

VLTRIM=X’40’ is used to remove the trailing blanks from the variable-length output records. The records can vary from 5 bytes long to 64 bytes long depending on the number of trailing blanks in each record.

What is Rdw in VB file?

A variable-length logical record consists of a record descriptor word (RDW) followed by the data. The record descriptor word is a 4 byte field describing the record. The first 2 bytes contain the length (LL) of the logical record (including the 4 byte RDW).

What is VB and FB?

FB – > Fixed Block means the entire file is having max of fixed block record. VB – > Variable Block which you can guess by now.

What is Recfm FB?

RECFM is short for record format. F represents fixed length records, unblocked. FB represents fixed length records, blocked. Blocking stores multiple records in a disk block, while the unblocked format stores one record in a disk block.

What is Rdw in variable file?

What is Recfm in JCL?

RECFM is the record format of the dataset. RECFM can hold values FB, V or VB. FB is a fixed block organisation where one or more logical records are grouped within a single block. V is variable organisation where one variable length logical record is placed within one physical block.