How do I contact USPS OIG?

U.S. Postal Service

  1. Tammy L. Whitcomb, Inspector General.
  2. (703) 248-2300.
  3. 1735 North Lynn Street; Arlington, VA 22209-2005.
  4. Hotline Email: [email protected].
  5. Hotline Number: (888) 877-7644.
  6. URL:

What does the OIG do USPS?

USPS Office of Inspector General To protect the mail and to maintain the integrity of postal processes and personnel, the Postal Service relies on the investigative efforts of OIG special agents. These special agents – federal law enforcement officers investigate internal crimes and fraud against the Postal Service.

Is the OIG part of the USPS?

The USPS OIG, an independent agency within the Postal Service under the general supervision of nine presidentially-appointed governors, employs more than 1,000 auditors, investigators, and professional support personnel stationed in more than 90 offices.

Who is in charge of the postmaster?

Louis DeJoy
Louis DeJoy is the 75th Postmaster General of the United States and the Chief Executive Officer of the world’s largest postal organization. Appointed by the Governors of the Postal Service, DeJoy began his tenure as Postmaster General in June 2020.

How do I email the postal Regulatory Commission?

Please do not send any hard copy mail or fax anything to the Commission. Please scan documents and email to [email protected].

What happens during an OIG investigation?

The OIG reviews the information and makes an initial determination of what action is required. If an allegation appears to be credible, the OIG will generally take one of three actions: (1) initiate an investigation; (2) initiate an audit or inspection; or (3) refer the allegation to management or another agency.

What does the OIG check for?

What is an OIG Search? An OIG Search identifies individuals or entities that have been excluded from participation in Medicare, Medicaid or other federal healthcare programs. When/if an individual or an entity is restored back to the program and the exclusion is lifted, they will be removed from the list.

How do I contact USPS HR?

Hiring, Employment, Fingerprints Questions about hiring, employment, or fingerprinting, please contact Headquarters Human Resources at 202-268-3646.

Who is higher than a postmaster?

The 9 governors elect the postmaster general, the chairman of the board as well as the USPS inspector general; the governors and the postmaster general elect the deputy postmaster general. No more than five governors may belong to the same political party. The board also has the power to remove all of these officers.