How do I contact the UCLA Registrar?

Call (310) 825- 1091 option 6, or inquire at the Registrar’s Office, 1113 Murphy Hall.

How do I register for UCLA?

Enroll Online:

  1. Click Enroll on your selected course(s) to add them to your Shopping Cart.
  2. Select “Checkout” when ready and either log in (for current students) or create your student profile (for new students).
  3. Follow the instructions on screen.

How do I contact UCLA?


  1. Campus Directory. Find contact information for faculty, staff and students as well as departments and offices in the Campus Directory.
  2. Campus Operator. +1 310-825-4321.
  3. Emergency Hotline. +1 (800) 900-UCLA (on-campus) +1 (310) 825-1234 (off-campus)

Where do I send my transcript to UCLA?

[email protected]
Send an e-mail message to [email protected]. Students should include the 9-digit UCLA ID number (if known) in all communications. Students can order a transcript through MyUCLA.

What percent of UCLA is white?

Student Diversity by Ethnicity

Ethnicity Undergraduate Graduate
American Indian & Alaska Native <1% <1%
Asian & Pacific Islander 33% 22%
Hispanic 21% 12%
White 26% 32%

What is the official address of UCLA?

Locate UCLA by ZIP code (90095) or by street address (405 Hilgard Avenue). UCLA’s main campus is bounded by Sunset Blvd.

How do I get transcripts from UCLA?

Official academic transcripts can be ordered online through MyUCLA. Transcript orders may not be faxed or sent electronically; these are not secure transmission methods and cannot safeguard personal data. Electronic PDF and mailed transcripts are processed through Parchment, the official UCLA transcript agent.