How do I contact TCEQ?

The TCEQ does not have a general toll-free number. The main switchboard can be contacted by dialing 512-239-1000.

What is a TCEQ fee?

The TCEQ assesses a charge of up to 30 percent on accounts referred to its collection agency. This applies only to delinquent accounts referred for collection after 90 days of nonpayment.

Is TCEQ a federal agency?

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is the environmental agency for the state.

What is a PBR TCEQ?

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Permits by Rule (PBR) Registration.

Who is the head of the TCEQ?

Toby Baker was appointed executive director of the TCEQ on August 20, 2018.

What is TCEQ stand for?

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Homepage – Texas Commission on Environmental Quality –

Who runs TCEQ?

How is TCEQ funded?

The TCEQ also receives additional funding from bankruptcy settlements, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and environmental justice. The Petroleum Storage Tank Remediation (PSTR) Fund is supported by a fee on gasoline and other fuels at bulk distribution facilities.

Is TCEQ a good place to work?

Good place to work The TCEQ does a lot of good work for the environment, like the Take Care of Texas program and Ozone Alert Days. The work environment is professional and undramatic, and there are regular employee appreciation events such as office parties.

When did Tnrcc change to TCEQ?

The TNRCC’s name was changed to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in 2002.

When was TCEQ founded?

This trend culminated in the creation of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in the fall of 1993 as a comprehensive environmental protection agency. Sunset legislation passed by the Texas Legislature in 2001 continued the agency and changed its name to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

What is the state of Texas TCEQ?

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the environmental agency for the state of Texas. The commission’s headquarters are located at 12100 Park 35 Circle in Austin.