How do I connect my ti 82 to my computer?

  1. Connect the TI-GRAPH LINK cable to a free serial or USB port of the computer and to the TI calculator (see below if you are using the TI-82 or TI-85 models).
  2. Turn on the calculator.
  3. With Graphical Analysis running, pull down the File menu and choose Import From -> TI Device… or click the button from the toolbar.

How do you graph on a TI 82?

TI-82: Scatter Plots, Regression Lines

  1. Enter the x values into L1 and the y variables into L2.
  2. Go to Stat Plot (2nd y=)
  3. Turn Plot 1 on.
  4. Choose the type to be scatter plot (1st type)
  5. Set Xlist to L1
  6. Set Ylist to L2
  7. Set the Mark to any of the three choices.
  8. Zoom to the Stat setting (#9)

How do you link a TI-graph?

  1. Save the file(s) to your computer.
  2. Connect the link cable to the calculator and computer.
  3. Open the TI-GRAPH LINK for the TI-89 software.
  4. Go to the Link menu.
  5. Scroll down and select the correct Com Port.
  6. Scroll down and select the correct cable.
  7. Click on Send (under the Link Menu) and a menu will appear.

How do I connect my calculator to my laptop?

The USB Silver Edition Cable can be used to connect your calculator to your computer. The plug end of this cable fits into the top left slot on your calculator, called the I/O port. Press o after you connect your calculator to your computer using a USB computer cable.

How do you graph functions on a graphing calculator?

The first step in any graphing problem is to draw the graph. On the TI-83 and TI-84, this is done by going to the function screen by pressing the “Y=” button and entering the function into one of the lines. After the function has been entered, press the “GRAPH” button, and the calculator will draw the graph for you.

How do I connect my TI 85 to my computer?

1. Connect the TI Connectivity Cable to the serial port of your computer and to the port at the bottom edge of the TI-85 graphing calculator. 2. Start the TI-GRAPH LINK (85) software on your computer and choose Send from the Link menu.

How do you program a graphing calculator?

  1. Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With Specific Keys.
  2. Step 2: Give Your New Program a Name.
  3. Step 3: Find the Menu I/O.
  4. Step 4: Type in the Variables for Your Formula.
  5. Step 5: Type in Your Actual Formula.
  6. Step 6: Find Disp Under I/O Menu.
  7. Step 7: Tell Your Calculator What Your Outputs Are.