How do I compress a logrotate file?

Compress Rotated (Old) Logs If you want to disable a globally enabled compression directive for a specific log, use the nocompress directive. By default, logrotate compresses files using the gzip command. You can replace this with another compression tool such as bzip2 or xz as an argument to the compresscmd directive.

How do I change the logrotate time?

If you have Webmin/Virtualmin installed on your server you can change your logrotate execution time easier: Just go to Webmin -> Scheduled Cron Jobs and Select daily cron. Modify it as you want and save it.

How do I compress old logs in Linux?


  1. Find tar.gz files in a folder which are older than 20 days and delete.
  2. Compressing a folder but do not compress specific file types but include them in the gz file.
  3. Create an archive with command “gzip”
  4. Grep word within a file then copy the file.
  5. Find all tar.gz files and move them to a one level down directory.

What is size in logrotate?

Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger then size bytes. If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to be in kilobytes. If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100, size 100k, size 100M and size 100Gare all valid.

Does logrotate create new file?

The logrotate. conf file specifies the rotation schedule (default is weekly) for most log files, the group to assign, whether to create new files, whether to compress by default, etc.

Does logrotate Delete logs?

As we have explained in this article, it will automatically rotate, compress, remove, and mail logs on a periodic basis or when the file reaches a given size. Just make sure it is set to run as a cron job and logrotate will make things much easier for you.

How compress large files to small in Linux?

The gzip command is very simple to use. You just type “gzip” followed by the name of the file you want to compress. Unlike the commands described above, gzip will encrypt the files “in place”. In other words, the original file will be replaced by the encrypted file.

Where do logrotate files go?

The main logrotate configuration file is located at /etc/logrotate. conf . The file contains the default parameters that logrotate uses when it rotates logs.

Does logrotate need to be restarted?

No. logrotate is run periodically, and will notice your changes the next time it runs. You should run it manually to test your changes.