How do I choose a toastmaster theme?

Choosing a theme is the fun part of being the Toastmaster of the Day….Choosing a theme

  1. Entertaining. Your theme should be something that allows room for entertainment.
  2. Inclusive. By inclusive I mean your theme should relate to every audience member.
  3. Relevant.

How do you make Toastmaster meetings more fun?

Here are some ways to spice up meetings with changes of pace, fresh ideas and a dose of fun to create a renewed vitality:

  1. A different room layout.
  2. A joint meeting with another club.
  3. A grab-bag meeting.
  4. The theme’s the thing.
  5. A reverse meeting.
  6. A costume party meeting.
  7. A time machine.
  8. A progressive story.

WHO sets a theme for a Toastmasters meeting?

the club president
As the club president opens the meeting, he or she announces the theme and then has everyone stand up, say their name and briefly answer a question related to the theme. That way no one leaves the meeting without having spoken at least once, even the guests.

How do you introduce toastmaster in the evening?

How to be Toastmaster of the evening

  1. Send out draft roster.
  2. Create agenda.
  3. Chase up any members who haven’t replied.
  4. Prepare your introduction to the group, and also for each speaker.
  5. Prepare remarks which can be used to bridge the gaps between parts of the meeting.
  6. Print agenda, 25 to 30 copies.

How do you end a Toastmaster meeting?

Closing the meeting:

  1. Thank the Toastmaster for their contribution and lead a final round of applause.
  2. Ask members if any club business needs to be discussed.
  3. Ask for announcements, such as additional club events.
  4. If time permits, ask guests for feedback.
  5. Announce the next meeting and invite everyone to attend.

How do you lead a Toastmaster meeting?

Leading a Club Meeting for the First Time

  1. Set the meeting theme at least a week in advance.
  2. Send a reminder email about the meeting the week before the event.
  3. Match speaker with evaluator.
  4. Double-check pronunciation.
  5. Pay close attention to time.
  6. Lead the applause.

How do you make a table topic fun?


  1. 1 Walking Dictionary.
  2. 2 Life As an Object.
  3. 3 Color Your World.
  4. 4 Add-the-Caption.
  5. 5 A Second Chance.
  6. 6 The Day I Met Elvis.
  7. 7 Home Is Where the Heart Is.
  8. 8 Did You Know That I Once?

How do I improve my Toastmasters club?

Marketing Campaign.

  1. Internal newsletter. Add your toastmasters group to an internal newsletter.
  2. Add to new hire process.
  3. Website updates (tweets of meeting times with reminders)
  4. Transparency of recognition and awards.
  5. Physical poster in the lobby reminding people of the meeting for the day.

How do you introduce speakers in Toastmasters?

How to Introduce a Speaker

  1. Give star billing to the speaker. Don’t be a scene stealer.
  2. Know what the speaker will be talking about and plan your introduction around that topic.
  3. Emphasize to the audience the speaker’s expertise and experience in the topic.
  4. Set the mood for the speaker and the speech.
  5. Be brief!

Who is a presiding officer in a Toastmaster?

As Presiding Officer it is your job to announce any club business, introduce and welcome guests and be present for any issues or questions. It is your job to work with the Toastmaster and make sure that the meeting stays on time.

What are Table Topics in Toastmasters?

Table TopicsĀ® is a long-standing Toastmasters tradition intended to help members develop their ability to organize their thoughts quickly and respond to an impromptu question or topic. Table Topics typically begins after the prepared speech presentations.