How do I check my SOL results?

Visit the official website –

  1. Look for the ‘Select’ dropdown menu and press the ‘ Marksheet/Result ‘.
  2. Add the SOL roll number, exam roll number and then select the year of exam, course and part.

How can I get SOL Marksheet?

Step – 1 – Firstly, you have to visit the same portal as for DU SOL at Step – 2 – Now, as you bring your cursor to the Students tab on the homepage, a dropdown menu will open below. Step – 3 – From this dropdown menu, select Marksheet – CBCS.

Is SOL OBE result declared?

University of Delhi’s School of Open Learning (SOL) has declared the results for DU open book exams (OBE) 2020 held in August for the final year students of B.Com, B.Com (Hons.), and B.A. Political Science.

How can I get original Marksheet from Du Sol?

You need to go to the SOL office in Delhi University and at the enquiry counter ask for where to get the marksheets attested. They’ll guide you. Once you meet the person, depending on their mood, they might ask you to wait for sometime and will get it done immediately.

How do I download a sol date sheet?

Steps to Check SOL Date Sheet online

  1. Visit the official website of the School of Open Learning (SOL) –
  2. SOL Official page will open.
  3. Scroll down the page and check the Announcement section.
  4. Click on the link available.
  5. UG Date Sheet or PG Date Sheet page will open.
  6. Click on the pdf link.
  7. Date Sheet will display.

What is barcode in Sol ID card?

First Student need to login SOL( School of Open Learning) ,with help of their SOL roll no. as login Identity and password will be their Barcode mention in Fees receipt/Identity Card. b.

How can I get SOL degree online?

How to Download DU Digital Degree?

  1. Visit the official website of Delhi University’s online portal for the issuance of digital degrees:
  2. Now upon running the website, you will be redirected to a page, then click on “download digital degree for the academic year.”

What is 12th provisional certificate?

Provisional certificate is produce by college or university telling that you have completed your class 12th. It is temporary certificate until original certificate came. Provisional certificate is produce by college or university telling that you have completed your class 12th.

What is OBE in Sol?

Step-by-Step Guide for using the SOL (DU) Portal for Open-Book Examination (OBE) March/April 2022.

Is Sol 3rd Year result out?

DU school of open learning BA 1t/2nd/ 3rd Year Result 2022 latest updates are continuously uploading on this page….Short Overviews -SOL BA Programme Result.

Examination Authority School of Open Learning, Delhi University
Result Date November 2022
Official Website

How can I check my DU Marksheet online?

Step – 1 – Visit the official website of the Delhi University exam through the link Step – 2 – Under the option of Important Links, click on the option of Services. Step – 3 – On the next page, under the section of Services, click on the option of Attestation of Marksheet.