How do I check my free space on NetApp?
How do I check my free space on NetApp?
You can view space usage by all FlexVol volumes in one or more aggregates with the aggr status -S command. This helps you see which volumes are consuming the most space in their containing aggregates so that you can take actions to free more space.
How do I get volume details on NetApp?
To display detailed information about a single volume, run the command with the -vserver and -volume parameters. The detailed view provides all of the information in the previous list and the following additional information: Name ordinal. Volume data set ID.
How does NetApp determine aggregate size?
The storage aggregate show-space command displays information about space utilization within aggregates and any attached external capacity tier. The command output breaks down space usage in the specified aggregate by feature. If no parameters are specified, the command displays this information about all aggregates.
Which command would you use to review the status of an aggregate?
You use the aggr status command to display information about aggregate configurations.
What is Wafl Reserve netapp?
WAFL reserve WAFL reserves a 10% of the total disk space for aggregate level metadata and performance. The space used for maintaining the volumes in the aggregate comes out of the WAFL reserve and it cannot be changed.
What is volume in Netapp storage?
Volumes are data containers. In a NAS environment, they contain file systems that hold user data that is accessible using one or more of the access protocols supported by Data ONTAP, including NFS, CIFS, HTTP, FTP, FC, and iSCSI. In a SAN environment, they contain LUNs.
What are aggregates in netapp?
An aggregate is a collection of disks (or partitions) arranged into one or more RAID groups. It is the most basic storage object within ONTAP and is required to allow for the provisioning of space for connected hosts.
What is aggr0 netapp?
The algorithm selects three disks of the same type and size for the root aggregate. SSDs are used for the root aggregate only when SSDs are the only disk type owned by the node. The root aggregate is named aggr0 on the first node created in an HA pair, and is named aggr0 node_name on the other node in each HA pair.
What is consistency point in NetApp?
Upon completion of a write to disk, the contents of NVRAM are cleared and made ready for the next batch of incoming write data. This act of writing data to disk and updating active file system pointers is called a Consistency Point (CP).
What is the difference between a volume and a LUN?
A LUN is a logical volume from the point of view of the storage. From the client point of view the LUN it is a disc volume that can be partitioned. Volume is a generic term. It means a contiguous storage area.