How do I check my child support balance in PA?

Child Support Contact Information For information about the child support process in Pennsylvania, please contact the Bureau of State Child Support Enforcement at 1-800-932-0211 or visit the Pennsylvania Child Support Program website for further information.

How do I look up child support cases in PA?

If you would like to search Pennsylvania dockets related to Child Support cases, you can log into this section of the PA Child Support Website….

  1. Receiving Support.
  2. Paying Support.
  3. Employer.
  4. Attorney.
  5. Docket Search.
  6. Lien Search.

How can I get out of paying child support in PA?

In PA, The noncustodial parent must submit a modification petition to stop payments. You must take specific steps to terminate the agreement. Until the order is actually terminated, the noncustodial parent is obligated to continue payment. Talk to a family law attorney if you’re looking to stop payments.

What is domestic relations in PA?

Domestic Relations is a part of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas. It helps the court establish and enforce court orders for child support and spousal support.

Does child support automatically stop at 18 in PA?

In Pennsylvania, child support obligations normally last until the child turns 18 years old, but can continue up past that age if the child is still in high school or has certain physical or mental conditions that require extra support.

How long can you go without paying child support in PA?

Typically, parents must pay child support until the child is 18, but there are some exceptions. Payments are cut short when a child becomes emancipated. On the other hand, a court could order child support payments for a disabled child to continue past the child’s 18th birthday.

Is child support public record in PA?

ยง 4304.1(a)(3). Domestic Relations Child Support Records No Public Access, except for PACSES dockets, court orders and opinions.

How long do you go to jail for child support in PA?

If a court finds a parent in contempt, the judge may also order the parent to pay monetary fines and serve up to six months in jail. Parents can usually avoid serving much jail time by paying the full amount of back child support owed.

Does Domestic Relations handle custody in PA?

The office does NOT handle issues involving custody, partial custody or visitation. The Domestic Relations Section is a branch of the York County Court of Common Pleas and under the supervision of the Honorable Maria Musti Cook, President Judge and the Director of the Domestic Relations Section.

Does Pennsylvania recognize domestic partnerships?

In Pennsylvania, domestic partnerships are not recognized statewide, but the City of Philadelphia does recognize domestic partnerships for couples that provides them with the same rights and benefits as other spouses, including healthcare and leave benefits if they work as exempt city employees.

How far behind in child support before a warrant is issued Pa?

60 days
In order for this to happen the defendant must be at least 60 days in arrears. The defendant’s arrears are then reported to the credit bureau. This, in turn, affects the defendant’s credit rating. Any past due support becomes a lien automatically.