How do I change the work directory in SAS Enterprise Guide?

Change the current directory in SAS. Use the DLGCDIR function to change the working directory for your current SAS session.

How do I change work location in SAS?

If you want to permanently change sas work location, you can set it in sasv9. cfg. (Default location: C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9….

  1. Thanks for answer.
  2. You can modify the shortcut you use to start SAS, or you can add the options statement to your SAS script.
  3. I couldnt do that.

How do I get current working directory in SAS?

The idea is simple. Create a fileref pointing to the current working directory and then ask SAS what path that fileref points to. The path is then returned as the content of the macro.

How do I change the file path?

There are two ways to set the file path for the items you selected: In the File path for [name] list on the Select File Path dialog, click a file path. Click on a blank file path or on a defined path no longer in use, and then click Edit. The Edit File Path dialog displays….Changing file paths.

To Do this
Select all items Click Select All.

How do I change the path of a file in SAS?

Select Options. Select Advanced Options. Select File Navigation Tab. Select Path and fill in the right value for the current environment (e.g., Dev or Test or Prod or whatever)

What is the work directory in SAS?

The working directory is the operating system directory to which many SAS commands and actions apply. By default, the SAS System uses the current directory as the working directory when you begin your SAS session. You can change the working directory during your SAS session.

What is SAS work folder?

The Work library is the temporary library that is automatically defined by SAS at the beginning of each SAS session or job. The Work library stores temporary SAS files that you create, as well as files created internally by SAS. To access files in the Work library, specify a one-level name for the file.

What is the SAS work library?

How do I change file location from C to D?

Replies (2) 

  1. Press Windows Key + E to open up the Windows explorer .
  2. Look for the folder you want to move.
  3. Right-click the folder and click on Properties.
  4. Click on the Location tab.
  5. Click on Move.
  6. Navigate to the folder where you want to move your folder to.
  7. Click on Apply.
  8. Click on Confirm once prompted.

How do I move a folder from C to D?

How to change default user folders on Windows 10

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Click on This PC from the left pane.
  3. Under the “Devices and drivers” section, open the new drive location.
  4. Navigate to the location you want to move the folders.
  5. Click the New folder button from the “Home” tab.
  6. Name the folder Documents.

Where are SAS temporary files?

If SAS crashed and you are looking for temporary files: The autosave location for the SAS editor is C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\SAS\EnhancedEditor\Autosave-of-file. asv You may have to type the “Appdata” portion in the Windows Explorer, because that folder is not usually visible to users.