How do I change the preview pane in Lotus Notes?

To change the location of the preview pane Click Show at the upper right, and then click Preview on Bottom or Preview on Side.

How do I reset Lotus Notes to default settings?

Follow these steps:

  1. Shut down Lotus Notes.
  2. Find notes. ini file and make a backup copy of it.
  3. Edit notes. ini using Notepad and delete all contents of it except that first 6 lines. The last line should be an empty line (see red arrow in the capture below).
  4. Save your changes and close notes.ini.
  5. Restart Lotus Notes.

How do I customize my Lotus Notes?


  1. Select or open the application where you want to create a view.
  2. From the menu, choose Create > View.
  3. Enter a name for the view.
  4. Choose a view type.
  5. In the Select a location for the new view field, do one of the following:
  6. Click the Copy from button and do one of the following:

How do I change the preview pane?

To change how the Preview Pane looks or behaves:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options….
  2. Click the Other tab, and then click Preview Pane….
  3. Select the options you want, and then click OK.
  4. To close the Options window, click OK.

How do I change the email view in HCL notes?

Click Preferences > Mail > Display and select Mark documents read when opened in preview pane. By default, people who send messages to you from Notes or iNotes can recall messages from you. Set a preference to prevent others from recalling a message that is sent to you.

How do I configure Notes client?

Configuring the Lotus Notes Client

  1. From the Lotus Notes client, choose File > Mobile > Locations.
  2. Select the Location used for remote access and then click Edit Location.
  3. In the Basics tab, click the Proxy icon.
  4. In the Proxy Server Configuration box, enter 127.0. 0.1:1352 in the HTTP Tunnel field.
  5. Click OK.

Where do I find notes ini?

INI file is a resource file called Notes® Preferences, located in the Preferences folder in your System folder.

How do I check my IBM email?

At your system command line prompt, you can use the mail command in the ways shown in the following steps:

  1. To display a listing of the messages in your personal mailbox, $HOME/mbox, enter: mail -f.
  2. To display a listing of the messages in the dept folder, enter: mail -f +dept.

How do I change the theme in Lotus Notes?

Click File > Preferences. Click Fonts, Colors, and Themes. With IBM Theme selected, click Customize Theme. To choose a new color theme, click the color box next to Choose your theme and select a color.