How do I change the menu bar in SharePoint?

Edit the display name or address for a menu link

  1. Click Edit at the bottom of the left-hand menu on a team site or to the right of the top menu on a communication site, hub site, or hub site navigation bar..
  2. Click the ellipses (…)
  3. Click Edit.
  4. When you are done editing the link, click OK.

How do I change the Quick Launch bar in SharePoint 2010?

Click the Quick Launch link in the Look and Feel section of the Site Settings page to access the Quick Launch page. The headings and links are listed as they appear on the Quick Launch Bar. You can edit a heading or link by clicking the edit icon to the left of the item that you want to edit.

How do I add a welcome page in SharePoint?

Change welcome page SharePoint Online

  1. Step 1: Login to your SharePoint site -> Go to the Settings gear icon in the right side of the page -> Click on Site settings.
  2. Step 2: Click on Welcome page under look and feel.
  3. Step 3: Next you will get an option to set your welcome page.

How do I change the welcome page in SharePoint?

How to change the welcome page in SharePoint Online?

  1. Settings >> Site Settings >> Click on “Welcome page” under Look and Feel.
  2. Use browse or directly type any existing page in the site to change the welcome page.
  3. Click OK to save your changed.

How do I change the top navigation in SharePoint?

Go to SharePoint site you’d like to edit the Top Link Bar. In the top left, click on Site Actions and select Site Settings. Under Look and Feel, click on Top link bar. and does not use the same top link bar as the parent site.

How do I change the top banner in SharePoint?

How to Change the Header Background image in SharePoint Online Site Page?

  1. Click on the “Edit” button on the top right area.
  2. Click on the top-header area to select it and then click on the little image icon as shown below.
  3. You can upload a new image, use a URL, or select an existing image for a banner from the site.

How do I add a link to Quick Launch toolbar in SharePoint 2010?

In the General Settings section, click the Title, Description and Navigation link. The General Settings page appears. In the Navigation section, indicate whether to include the list or library in the Quick Launch bar. Click the Save button.

Where is SharePoint Quick Launch?

The Quick Launch menu is displayed on the homepage of a SharePoint site and contains links to featured lists and libraries on the site, sub-sites of the current site, and People and Groups. By using settings pages for each list or library, you can choose which lists and libraries appear on the Quick Launch.

How do I customize my SharePoint home page?

For additional ways to customize your site, see Customize your SharePoint site.

  1. On your site, click Settings. and then click Change the look > Theme.
  2. Select the look you want.
  3. To customize the colors of one of the default SharePoint themes, select the theme and then click Customize.

How do I change my welcome page?

Under Settings, click Document Set settings. In the Welcome Page section, click Customize the Welcome Page. In the window that opens, click the Site Actions menu, and then click Edit page. Edit the page just as you would edit any Web Part page.

How do I change the Home button in SharePoint?

On the Site contents page, select Site pages.) From the pages library, find the page you want to make a homepage, and select the circular option button to the left of the page title. next to the page title, and then select Make homepage.