How do I change the direction of the stems in Finale?

Choose Utilities > Stem Direction > Up or Down. All stems in the selected region are now “frozen” in the direction you specified….Adjusting stem direction

  1. Choose the Simple Entry tool .
  2. CTRL +click a note to select it.
  3. Press L (press twice if necessary) to freeze the stem in the opposite direction.

Which way do stems go on music notes?

If the note is above the middle line, its stem points downwards. If the note is below the middle line, its stem points upwards. If the note is on the middle line of the staff, its stem direction is determined by the stem directions of any adjacent notes, beam groups, or chords.

How do you change the stem direction on one layer in Finale?

Press shift-‘ (apostrophe) to change layers; press the apostrophe key to change voices. Press the L key to freeze the stem in the opposite direction….

  1. Click the Special Tools Tool.
  2. Click the Custom Stem Tool .
  3. Double-click the handle of the stem you want to change; in the dialog box that appears, click Create.

How do you flip slurs in Finale?

Choose Smart Shape > Direction, then select the direction (Automatic, Over, Under) that you want Finale to place this slur. Or, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F to flip the slur.

When to write stems up or down?

1. If you are writing a single melodic line, stems should go up if the note is below the middle line and down if the note is above the middle line. If the note is on the mid- dle line, the stem may go up or down, depending on the stems of adjacent notes (example B.

Does stem direction matter?

A. No. It doesn’t matter what direction the stem is going. You will still treat the note the same.

How do you turn off stems in Finale?

  1. Click the Special Tools Tool. , and click the measure in question.
  2. Click the Beam Break Tool . A handle appears over every note grouped by a secondary beam.
  3. Double-click the handle at the right end of the pair of notes whose beam you want to break.
  4. Select the desired Break options, and click OK (or press RETURN).

How do you flip a note head in MuseScore?

Moving notehead to opposite side of stem and back, flip note stem doesn’t work properly

  1. Add a note.
  2. Flip direction of note stem with X, then back again, no problems.
  3. Press Shift+X twice moving notehead to opposite side of stem and back again.

How do you open an inspector in MuseScore?

The Inspector is shown by default on the right of your screen. It can be displayed or hidden from the menu: select View and check/uncheck Inspector , or use the shortcut F8 (Mac: fn + F8 ).