How do I change page category to local business?

Changing Settings Click the “Edit Page” tab, “Update Info” and “Basic Information.” Choose a category for your business in the first drop-down menu and select the group in the adjacent drop-down menu.

How do I edit a location I created on Facebook?

To edit your location on a post:

  1. Go to the post.
  2. Tap and select Edit post.
  3. Tap Check in. You may need to tap Add to your post first.
  4. Search for and select a new location.
  5. Tap SAVE.

Why can’t I edit my Facebook business page?

If you don’t see the option to edit your Page’s name: You don’t have a Page role that allows you to change your Page’s name. Learn how to see your Page role. You or another admin recently changed your Page’s name.

How do I edit my 2020 business page on Facebook?

How do I add to, edit or delete story highlights on my Facebook…

  1. Tap. in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name.
  2. Scroll down to Story Highlights and tap Add New.
  3. Select the stories you’d like to highlight and tap DONE.
  4. Add a name for your highlights or adjust your audience by tapping. .
  5. Tap SAVE.

Can you change business category on Facebook?

You can change the category or type of Page at any time, but you can change a business Page’s name only if fewer than 200 people like the Page. Sometimes, Facebook allows Pages with more than 200 likes to change their name, but this seems to be a random event.

How do I create a local business Facebook page?

Click on the first drop-down menu in the “Category” section. Select the “Local Businesses and Places” option. Click on the second drop-down menu and select the type of business you want the page to represent.

How do I add a location to my Facebook business page?

From your Facebook Business page, choose “Settings,” which is located in the top, right-hand corner of the page. At the bottom left of the menu that pops up, you’ll see “Locations.” Click on this to add locations one at a time.

How do I add my business to places on Facebook?

To set up your stores with Facebook:

  1. Open Store Locations in Business Manager.
  2. Select the Page in the top menu for which you want to add stores.
  3. Under Manage Your Store Details, click + Add Stores.
  4. Follow the steps to add store details that create a new store Page for each physical location of your business.

How do I edit my business page?

Edit your website

  1. Sign in to Business Profile Manager.
  2. If you have multiple profiles, open the profile you want to manage.
  3. In the left menu, click Website. At the top left, you can check how many people visited your site.
  4. In the left panel, select the part of your site you want to edit.

Where is the Edit Page button on Facebook business page?

The “Edit page” link is now a button, located in the top right, just below the “Home—Profile—Account” links. Admins can easily change their page’s category by clicking the “Edit info” link under the page name, then selecting the category from the pull-down menu in the edit screen.

How do I access Facebook Business Suite?

Accessing Business Suite To access Business Suite, log into the Facebook account associated with your business. Then, if you’re eligible, you’ll automatically be redirected to Business Suite when you visit on desktop.

How can I see who viewed my business page on Facebook?

To see who’s viewed your posts, navigate to your Facebook Story and tap the eye icon in the bottom-left of the screen. This will bring up a list of the people who have viewed your Story. You can also keep track of how your Facebook Stories perform using Stories Insights on your computer.