How do I change my Safari user agent on iPhone?

How to Change User-Agent on Safari

  1. Go to Preferences.
  2. Enable Develop Menu Bar. Go to Advanced and check Show Develop menu in menu bar.
  3. Navigate to Develop > User-Agent. You can again select from a predefined list or enter custom user-agent string by choosing “Other…”

How do I enable user agent in Safari?

This includes old Android versions, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and UC Browser on different operating systems. Select any of the user-agent here and then reload the page (press F5 key), and make sure the Inspect element window is when you do it. The reloaded page will open with the new user-agent.

Where is user agent in Safari?

With the preferences open, click on the “Advanced” tab. At the very bottom, you want to check the box next to “Show Develop menu in the menu bar” and then exit out of the preferences. Now Safari will have a new menu devoted solely to development tools. The “User Agent” menu is at the top.

What is user agent app?

The user-agent is the client application that sends a web request. This information is sent with the browser request and allows the server to send different content based on the client. For example, the user-agent helps you detect the type of web browser sending the request.

What is Safari user agent?

The user agent is a string of text that your browser sends with each web page request. The user agent string is how web sites can identify which web browser and operating system you are using.

Can you have two profiles on safari?

Safari. If Safari is your browser of choice, we have some bad news. Safari doesn’t offer the option to create individual browser profiles. There is one way to get around, it though: If you use Safari on a Mac, you can set up different user profiles and use the different profiles for work and personal browsing.

What is the User Agent for iPhone?

Get latest user agents for iOS via API

Platform Latest iOS User Agents
Safari on iOS Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.4 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

Do mobile apps have user agents?

Native Android App In Android, it is relatively easy to compose a custom User-Agent string.

What is WebKit iPhone?

WebKit is the web browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store, and many other apps on macOS, iOS, and Linux. Get started contributing code, or reporting bugs. Web developers can follow development, check feature status, download Safari Technology Preview to try out the latest web technologies, and report bugs.

Does anyone use Safari?

Sussing out Safari Safari can’t be used on other operating systems, like Windows or Android, because it’s designed to work in sync with the Apple OS only. Safari will also only allow browser extensions that come from the Apple App Store.