How do I change my DNS on HostPapa?

How to update your DNS

  1. Log into your HostPapa Dashboard.
  2. Go to My Domains.
  3. Click the domain you want to update from the list.
  4. Click the Lock tab.
  5. If the domain supports locking and unlocking, click Unlock this domain.
  6. Click the Nameservers tab.
  7. Select the Use custom nameservers option.
  8. Enter your preferred nameservers.

How do I add MX records to HostPapa?

Click on DNS Records located on the left. Select MX from the drop-down menu under Type. Click here for your HostPapa setup and fill out the appropriate fields. Click on Add Record.

How do I change the MX record in G Suite?

To change MX records in Google Workspace (formally G Suite), follow the steps below:

  1. Step 1: Sign in to your domain host.
  2. Step 2: Go to your DNS records.
  3. Step 3: Delete your existing MX records.
  4. Step 4: Add your HostPapa records to Google Workspace.
  5. Step 5: Tell Google to find your new MX records.

What are the HostPapa nameservers?

Domains registered with HostPapa use nameservers called and If you have registered your domain with a third-party registrar, you can use their nameservers.

How do I add Cname to HostPapa?

How to create a CNAME record

  1. Log in to your HostPapa dashboard.
  2. Select My cPanel from the navigation bar at the top of the page.
  3. In the Domains section, select Zone Editor.
  4. Locate the domain name that you want to edit and select + CNAME Record.
  5. Enter the valid zone name and fully qualified domain name.

How do I update my DNS?

First, login to your account and click on Manage, then on the next page click on DNS and Nameservers. Next, click the blue Add DNS Record button. Then, scroll down till you see the TXT records and click on the 3 dots on the right. Finally, make your edits to the TXT record and click Update DNS.

Why do I need MX record?

The purpose of an MX record is to route emails to a mail server using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It’s what tells resolving nameservers where your domain “mailbox” is, and without it, you wouldn’t get your emails. In order for an MX record to function correctly, it must point to an A or AAAA record.

What happens when you change MX records?

As an administrator, when you’re setting up your new Google Workspace account, you need to change your MX records so that email is directed to your new accounts in Gmail. It can take up to 72 hours for the new records to update through the system. During this time, mail sent to your domain might bounce.

How do I add DNS records to G suite?

Update your DNS records

  1. Go to and create a new account.
  2. Sign in to your dashboard.
  3. Next to DNS Zones, click Add new.
  4. Click Master zone.
  5. In the Domain name field of the New domain window, enter your Google Workspace domain name, for example,, and click Create.

Where are Gsuite DNS records?

Adding DNS Records for Google Workspaces (formerly G Suite)

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on the MY DOMAINS button, located on the top right hand corner.
  3. Click on the domain you want to add MX records to for Google Workspaces.
  4. Under Domain Details, click on Manage DNS records in the third column.

Is HostPapa owned by Godaddy?

“We tested GoDaddy & HostPapa — The winner is GoDaddy!” GoDaddy and HostPapa are two of the oldest names in the hosting biz, and they’ve each taken over their own corners of the market….WordPress Hosting Comparison.

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