How do I change font size in VBA?

Easy change To open the VBA Window press Alt + F11. Click the Tools menu and then Options – see image below. Click the Editor Format tab and change the Size drop down to 14, or whatever you want – see image below. Click OK and the font size will now be increased in the code window.

How do you change the font size on Microsoft Word?

To change the font size of selected text in desktop Excel, PowerPoint, or Word:

  1. Select the text or cells with text you want to change. To select all text in a Word document, press Ctrl + A.
  2. On the Home tab, click the font size in the Font Size box. You can also type in any size you want, within the following limits:

How do you change the font on a macro?

To change or set the font style, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the cell range whose font you style you change (Range).
  2. Refer to the Font object representing Range’s font (Font).
  3. Set the Font. Style property to a string specifying the font style you use (Font. FontStyle = “FontStyle”).

How do I change font color in VBA?

To change the color of an Excel range, use the Font property of the Range object, and then the Color property of the Font object.

  1. Add the following code line: Range(“A1”).Font.Color = -16776961.
  2. The following code line gives the exact same result.
  3. The following code line gives the exact same result.

How do you change font font size and format?

To change the font size:

  1. Select the text you want to modify.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size box on the Home tab. A drop-down menu appears.
  3. Select the desired font size from the menu. Alternatively, you can type the value you want and then press Enter on your keyboard. Changing the font size.

What are three ways to change the size of text in a document in Word 2019?

Select the texts and press one of the following combination keys:

  1. To make the texts larger, press “Ctrl + Shift + >”.
  2. To make the texts smaller, press “Ctrl + Shift + <”.

What is 12pt in Word?

Word uses point sizes to specify the height of all the fonts it uses. Thus, when you use a 12-point type, you are using one that occupies a character box approximately 12/72 (or 1/6) of an inch high from the top of the highest riser, to the bottom of the lowest descender.

What Colour codes does VBA use?


Color Red value Blue value
Green 0 0
Cyan 0 255
Red 255 0
Magenta 255 255