How do I change flat rate shipping WooCommerce?

Flat Rate Shipping

  1. Head to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
  2. Select the Shipping Zone that Flat Rate should be added to and select Edit.
  3. In the Shipping Methods box, select Add Shipping Method.
  4. Select Flat Rate shipping from the dropdown and then Add Shipping method.

How do I add different shipping options in WooCommerce?

Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones. Hover over Zone Name, and the option to Edit and Delete appear. Select Edit, and a screen appears so you can change the name, regions or shipping methods. Save changes.

How do I create custom shipping in WooCommerce?


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Shipping Methods”.

How do I change shipping class in WooCommerce?

Add Shipping Classes

  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Classes. The screen lists existing classes.
  2. Select Add Shipping Class beneath the table. A new row appears.
  3. Enter a Shipping Class Name and description.
  4. Save Shipping Classes.

How Much Is flat rate Priority Mail?

Domestic Prices

Service Prices
Priority Mail® From $8.70 at the Post Office From $7.37 for Commercial Base From $7.37 for Commercial Plus
Priority Mail Flat Rate® Envelope $8.95 at the Post Office $7.75 for Commercial Base $7.75 for Commercial Plus
Prepaid Forever® Priority Mail Flat Rate See pricing online

How do I change the default shipping method in WooCommerce?

Click Settings in the expanded WooCommerce menu. Click the Shipping tab. Edit the Shipping Zone by clicking the Edit link or the zone name. Reorder the Shipping Methods by dragging and dropping the shipping method.

How do I add multiple shipping classes in WooCommerce?

You can also add multiple products to the shipping classes in one go by following these steps,

  1. Click on Products.
  2. Select all the products which you want to add to the shipping class.
  3. Select Edit under Bulk Actions and click on Apply.
  4. Now select the shipping class under the Shipping tab.

How do I add free shipping to WooCommerce?

Here’s how:

  1. 1/ Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
  2. 2/ Select a Shipping Zone, Click Edit.
  3. 3/ Click Add Shipping Method and a modal will display.
  4. 4/ Select Free Shipping in the row you wish to define and select Edit.
  5. 6/ Enter a Title that displays to customers in checkout.