How do I bypass anti-theft device?

Turn the key to unlock your car door, but don’t release it. Hold the key in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. This lets the system know you have the correct key, and it can allow you to bypass the alarm system. Some vehicles recognize the key simply by turning the key back and forth in the door lock key cylinder.

How good is Ravelco anti theft device?

The Ravelco Anti-Theft Device is the best auto security because it does exactly what it is designed to do: the Ravelco prevents the car from being stolen. No bells or whistles, just 100 percent effective protection from hot wiring your vehicle.

Can thieves bypass an immobilizer?

Thieves listen in on the signals between your car and the locking system and with the help of a little technology in half an hour they can disarm the immobiliser, taking away one of the vital security barriers stopping them from stealing your vehicle.

What is a Ravelco system?

In 46 Years – Not One Vehicle Ever Stolen! The Ravelco (pronounced Ruh-vel-co) Anti Theft Device is installed in an easily accessible place beneath or flush mounted in the dashboard of your vehicle. A removable 16 pin male plug (which when not in use connects to your key chain) makes all the electronic connections.

Can you steal a car with an immobilizer?

These devices are capable of extracting your vehicles immobilisers codes and flash a blank key with your vehicles security codes. The thieves are using theses devices to steal your car. To gain access to your OBD port, first they need to get to the port, preferably with out the factory alarm activating.

Is Ravelco still in business?

Ravelco is the leader in manufacturing anti theft devices for vehicles. In business since 1976, Ravelco has sold more than 5 million units without ever having a vehicle stolen by defeating a properly installed and utilized Ravelco.