How do I become a RSL member?

How to join – two ways. Simply download the membership form, fill it in and submit it to your nominated Sub Branch (either in person or by email). Your Service History will also need to be sighted at the Sub Branch before your membership can be finalised.

What is the dress code for Castle Hill RSL?

Appearance must be clean, neat and tidy at all times. Obscene or offensive language or clothing will not be tolerated. The following dress is not permitted at any time in club: Singlets.

How much is RSL membership Victoria?

Membership Cost Fee for new members and renewing members for Rosebud RSL is $35.00. We now also offer a three year membership to Service, Affiliate and Social Members for $90.00. Please note: 1st time online renewal use your date of birth for password.

Can anyone join the RSL?

All Victorians are encouraged to become a member of the RSL. Once upon a time, only those who saw conflict overseas were able to join the RSL. Times have changed in Victoria; our modern organisation has a membership option for everyone. We encourage you to join one of the largest member based organisations the state.

Why do you need to be a member at an RSL?

Being a member of the RSL provides a sense of belonging and involvement in Australia’s largest veteran community. As a member of the RSL you will enjoy the privilege of having joined one of Australia’s oldest and most respected organisations.

Can you wear thongs in RSL?

The dress code of RSL is strictly smart casual at all times. No thongs or workwear are permitted in the Grange Buffet from 5pm. Thongs and tidy workwear are permitted in all other areas of the club until 6pm.

What does RSL stand for?

Returned and Services League of Australia

Abbreviation RSL
Legal status Charity
Membership (2019) 158,873
Patron Queen Elizabeth II
National President Greg Melick

What is the benefit of an RSL program?

Your membership card entitles you to local discounts at more than 90 Wagga stores. Your membership card must have the Rewards Club logo on it to receive the discounts. The Rewards Club logo on your membership card gives you ongoing access to amazing local discounts of up to 25% at selected businesses.

Can you wear a hoodie to an RSL?

Please respect that we are an RSL and request that hats, baseball caps, or hoodies are not worn while inside the venue.

What is the purpose of the RSL?

The RSL’s mission is to ensure that programs are in place for the well-being, care, compensation and commemoration of serving and ex-service Defence Force members and their dependants; and promote Government and community awareness of the need for a secure, stable and progressive Australia.

Is RSL membership Australia wide?

RSL Australia currently has over 150,000 members. Being a member of the RSL provides a sense of belonging and involvement in Australia’s largest veteran community.

Are RSL Clubs non profit?

RSL Clubs that have poker machines are a separate legal entity and can make a profit, while the RSL NSW is a not-for-profit charity.