How do I become a Pennsylvania wildlife conservation officer?

GED or high school graduate at least 21 years old. Have a driver’s license and a hunting license for at least two years. Be willing to work all shifts, live away from home for 50 weeks during training, and be willing to relocate within the state after becoming a full-fledged Wildlife Conservation Officer.

How long is Pa game warden training?

about 50 weeks
The training program is about 50 weeks. The curriculum consists of more than 1,400 hours of instruction on more than 140 subjects taught by nearly 200 instructors. Many instructors are agency employees. Cadets are paid $1,376.80 bi-weekly and receive the same employee benefits given to all Commonwealth employees.

How much do PA game wardens make?

Game wardens in Pennsylvania take home a great salary while pursuing a fulfilling career protecting fish and game in their state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average game warden in the state of Pennsylvania makes a median salary between 40,000 and 60,000 per year.

What degree do you need to be a game warden in Pennsylvania?

Academic Credentials: High school diploma or GED is required; a bachelor’s degree in wildlife management, environmental sciences, conservation or law enforcement is advantageous. Additional Requirements: Hunting license for at least two years prior to application.

Is becoming a game warden hard?

Being a game warden can be demanding on mind and body. State and federal wildlife agencies require candidates to undergo various mental and physical assessments. Some states require you to pass a physical fitness exam with components such as sit-ups, push-ups and running.

What guns do game wardens carry?

Each warden is issued four firearms – two handguns, a 12-gauge shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle – and two dart weapons – one a pistol and the other a rifle. That’s on top of Tasers, pepper spray and other traditional law enforcement gear.

Can Pa game wardens pull you over?

Pennsylvania law authorizes Commission officers to go “upon any land or water outside of buildings, except curtilage, posted or otherwise, in the performance of the officer’s duties.” This broad sweeping rule however does not permit a Commission officer to come into or near your house, your shed, or your yard near your …

Are Pa game wardens state Police?

HARRISBURG, PA – For the first time in its 122-year history, the Pennsylvania Game Commission will call its law-enforcement officers “state game wardens.” The change takes effect Jan. 1, 2018.

What degree is best for game warden?

Since most states have given game wardens the same authority as police officers and state troopers, a degree in criminal justice is recommended. Though, biology and wildlife management are other excellent degree choices. There are a variety of colleges and universities offering bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice.

How many female game wardens are there?

Out of the 5,630 fish and game wardens within the USA, 22% are female, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.