How do I become a kettlebell trainer?

This certification also has six requirements to pass the course:

  1. Pass the Hardstyle Pushup test.
  2. Pass the Snatch test.
  3. Show you have a mastery of the foundational techniques.
  4. Exhibit that you understand kettlebell safety, as well as situational awareness while using kettlebells.
  5. Show you can teach kettlebell movements.

What is SFG certification?

SFG is a highly-demanding Certification, mentally and physically. 25-30% failure rate is typical. Because our SFG Instructors meet the highest standard in the industry, you should expect to be challenged and tested. Do not take your preparation lightly.

What is the kettlebell snatch test?

The StrongFirst snatch test is a well-known and often feared part of the requirements to pass the SFG I Kettlebell Instructor Certification. The premise is simple: snatch a kettlebell overhead 100 times in under five minutes while adhering to the SFG technique standard.

How do I prepare for RKC?

Generally, if you have not been certified as an HKC, we recommend spending six months to a year preparing for the RKC….Day Three:

  1. 5 sets of 15-20 double kettlebell swings with heavy kettlebells (rest as needed between sets).
  2. Practice snatches for 5 reps L/R for 5 or more sets.
  3. Practice cleans for 5 reps L/R for 5 sets.

How do you do a kettlebell snatch?

Kettlebell Snatch Form Bending slightly at the knees but hingeing mainly at the hips, grasp the kettlebell and pull it back between your legs with one hand (with your thumb pointing backwards) to create momentum. Drive your hips forwards and straighten your back to initiate the upward movement of the kettlebell.

Do kettlebell cleans build muscle?

The Kettlebell Clean hits most of muscles of the body making it a huge fat burning and strength building exercise. Especially the quads, hamstrings, glutes and back.

What is a good kettlebell snatch weight?

A 12kg (26.4 lbs) bell is a standard weight for a female performing a kettlebell snatch.