How do I become a better resto shaman?

How To Improve As Restoration Shaman — Shadowlands 9.2

  1. Understanding The Basics of Healing.
  2. Correctly Managing Mana.
  3. Having Low Downtime.
  4. Using All Your Abilities.
  5. Analyzing Your Mistakes as a Restoration Shaman.

What is the best race for restoration shaman?

Best Races for Restoration Shaman

  • Goblin – Rocket Jump is incredibly useful for just about any type of content. Mobility is something we lack.
  • Highmountain Tauren – Similar to Goblins, Bull Rush as a mobility tool will help you out a lot.
  • Tauren – War Stomp can be very useful in M+.

How does cloudburst totem work?

Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that collects power from all of your healing spells. When the totem expires or dies, the stored power is released, healing all injured allies within 40 yards for 30% of all healing done while it was active, divided evenly among targets.

Can you heal dungeons as enhancement shaman?

To the OP: Yes, you can heal leveling dungeons as enhancement, no problem. Pick up whatever healing-appropriate gear you can, wear it, use your totems and healing spells properly, you’ll be fine.

What is the best covenant for resto shaman?

Best Covenant / Soulbind for Restoration Shamans

Covenant Strength Soulbind
Kyrian Damage Kleia Raid (healing) Mikanikos Raid (damage) Mikanikos Mythic+ / Soloing
Necrolord Spread healing Emeni Raid Marileth PvP
Venthyr All-rounder Theotar All-rounder
Night Fae Extra Healing Tide Totems Niya All-rounder

Which race is best for Shaman Shadowlands?

Blizzard Entertainment On the Alliance side, Dwarves happen to make the best Elemental Shaman….Best races for Elemental Shaman in World of Warcraft.

Race DPS
Dwarf 10,465
Tauren 10,460
Draenei 10,421
Goblin 10,413

How much crit should a resto shaman have?

Best Stats for Resto Shaman You can play around with enchants and gems to avoid reaching the diminishing return softcaps, which would be 35% for Critical Strike and 114% for Mastery (as seen in the character sheet which includes the base 5% crit and 24% mastery), 30% for the other two.

Does heavy rainfall work with cloudburst totem?

Thoughts? Heavy Rainfall only works with Healing Tide Totem, not Healing Stream Totem.

Is Vesper totem on GCD?

Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec….Spell Details.

Duration 30 seconds
Dispel type n/a
GCD category Normal

Can elemental shaman heal dungeons?

What is this? You are going to be able to heal dungeons regardless of your spec, you just need to make sure you have a separate set of gear with intellect. Enhancement is typically considered to be cookie cutter for leveling simply because you are less reliant on mana.

Can you heal dungeons as enhancement shaman TBC?

Healing dungeons is doable in any spec just as long as you keep a set of int heavy gear at the low levels. Personally leveling a Shaman right now, I find Elemental to be more enjoyable to play than Enhancement.