How do I attach an arris rail to a post?

Arris Rail Support Brackets Simply attach each one to a post then slot in the arris rail and secure with nails. Brackets are installed by nailing or screwing on to the fence post. The arris rail is then dropped into the bracket and nailed or screwed to secure it in place.

How do you attach rails to posts?

The most common – and easiest – methods are to either nail or screw the rails directly to the post using rust-free fasteners or to use galvanized fence brackets. A fence bracket is an open U-shape that holds the two-by-four rail between the posts.

How do you fit arris rails?

Follow these instructions carefully…

  1. Dig the hole for the 1st post.
  2. Run a line from the first post to the end of the run of fencing, stretching it taut.
  3. Set the second post in the hole, but don’t backfill it.
  4. Fit the Arris Rail at this point and hammer them in to get a good fit using a rubber mallet.

How far apart should Arris rails be?

Set out the intermediate posts, try to keep them equally spaced with no more than 3m (10ft) between each pair. Dig a hole for the second post and push the ends of each arris rails into the slots in the first two posts.

How far apart should posts be for post and rail fence?

8ft post spacing provides for practical installation, because the rail boards we used were 16ft in length and an 8ft spacing between each post did not produce excess waste. Ultimately, we decided on 7ft between posts due to the gate spacing.

Can I drill into a concrete fence post?

It is possible to drill into a concrete fence post. With the proper tools and approach, it’s easier than you might think. There are some necessary things to take into consideration before you start drilling, such as the type of drills you will need and the specifications of your posts.

Can you screw fence panel to post?

There are two ways to secure fence panels to fence posts – using galvanised clout nails/ decking screws or fence clips. Fence clips make it easier to remove a fence panel should you wish to, whereas they’re more visible than nails and so offer a less discreet finish.