How do I ask God to pray?

Ask God specifically for what you want. Tell God what you want or need and ask Him to provide that for you. Be specific about your request. Even though God knows what you want and need, He wants you to ask Him for it. God can answer vague prayers, but being specific creates a deeper bond between you and Him.

How do I ask God for something?

Ask Him for good despite your fears. Make your trust an action rather than feeling. Even when your heart is questioning whether God is a good Father, you can obey His commands. Ask Him to meet your needs, choosing to trust His heart for you, even if He says, “No.” to your request.

How do I ask God for advice?

I ask you for guidance and direction now, Lord, and pray that you would answer my request. You are a perfectly good Father who only ever gives good gifts to his children. You love to give good gifts to those who ask. As your humble child, I ask for the gift of wisdom today.

How do I ask God for an answer?

What Can I Do to Receive Answers from God?

  1. Evaluate Your Questions. Sometimes I assume that God will simply give me revelation because it’s obvious that I need His help and guidance in my life.
  2. Practice Serious Reflection.
  3. Write It Down.
  4. Ask: Is There More?
  5. Invite Revelation.
  6. Move Forward in Faith.

How do I start praying?

What follows can help you learn how to pray.

  1. Prayer Has Four Simple Steps.
  2. Step 1: Address Heavenly Father.
  3. Step 2: Thank Heavenly Father.
  4. Step 3: Ask Heavenly Father.
  5. Step 4: Close in the Name of Jesus Christ.
  6. Praying in a Group.
  7. Pray Always, With Sincerity and With Faith in Christ.
  8. Prayers Will Always Be Answered.

How do you get God to talk to you?

How to practice listening prayer

  1. Come to God with your request for guidance.
  2. Wait in silence for God to speak for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Jot down any Scripture, songs, impressions, or pictures God gives you.
  4. Share how God spoke to you with your prayer partners and follow God’s will.