How do I apply for the Ohio National Guard Scholarship?
How do I apply for the Ohio National Guard Scholarship?
To request more information or help with the program, contact the ONGSP office, toll free at 1-888-400-6484 or email [email protected]. Prior to accessing the Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP), the user must agree to the AUP before requesting access to the system.
Will the Ohio National Guard pay for college?
Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program – The Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program pays 100% of tuition and general fees at state universities or the equivalent amount at private institutions for members of both the Ohio Army and Air National Guard.
Who is eligible for FTA?
Associate degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, with the exception of the undergraduate/graduate certificate, which can be completed every five years. First professional degrees are NOT eligible (e.g., doctorate degrees, juris doctorates)
How much is active duty pay National Guard?
Once you go over four months, an E-1 makes $54 per drill. An E-1 with more than four months of service who’s called up to active duty makes a base pay of $1,638 a month. As an E-2, you’ll make $61 per drill and a base pay of $1,836 a month if you’re called up to active duty.
How many National Guard units are in Ohio?
107 Army Guard units
The state’s 107 Army Guard units occupy 44 training sites/areas and readiness centers statewide.
Does the National Guard pay for all your college?
Members of the Activated Guard and Reserve of the Air National Guard are eligible to receive 100% tuition and related fees up to $250 for each semester credit hour and up to $4,500 for each fiscal year. Some states also offer TA payments, while others provide other sorts of tuition incentivies.
How much does the Ohio National Guard make?
How much does a National Guard make in Ohio? As of May 20, 2022, the average annual pay for a National Guard in Ohio is $43,525 a year.
What is the FTA certificate?
Claiming FTA preference allows qualified U.S. products to be more competitive through reduced or exempted duties (tariffs), although local taxes still apply. FTA certifications are optional, and not required for shipments to clear customs.
Do National Guard get TA?
Benefit Fact Sheet Army National Guard Soldiers on state active duty are not eligible for Tuition Assistance (TA).
Does the National Guard really pay for college?
In short, the Guard will cover college tuition, room and board (housing), as well as graduate school in certain cases. The National Guard supports tuition assistance, the Montgomery GI Bill, Post 9/11 GI Bill, Army National Guard Kicker, and also hosts scholarships related to higher education learning.