How do I apply for NCLEX in USA?

Register with Pearson Vue for your NCLEX

  1. Register for the NCLEX with Pearson VUE by mail, telephone or via the internet to schedule your NCLEX exam location and date.
  2. Receive Confirmation of Registration from Pearson VUE.
  3. Receive eligibility from the state board of nursing you applied for licensure with.

How do I apply for NCLEX in NY from Philippines 2021?

Register directly with Pearson VUE to take the NCLEX-RN online at or by calling Pearson VUE at 1-866-496-2539.

How do I register for NCLEX Canada?


  1. Review the College’s registration requirements and apply to the College.
  2. Wait to hear from the College that you are eligible to write the NCLEX-RN.
  3. After the College notifies you that you are eligible, go to Pearson VUE’s NCLEX-RN registration page to register.

How much does the NCLEX cost?

The registration fee to take the NCLEX-PN® or the NCLEX-RN® exam in the United States is $200. For candidates registering for the NCLEX-RN in Canada, the fee is $360 (Canadian). If a test-taker changes his or her nursing regulatory body after registering for the NCLEX, there is a $50 fee (United States and Canada).

How do foreign nurses apply for NCLEX?

Remember the steps in applying for the NCLEX-RN examination: Choose a state BON, have your credentials (professional license and nursing education) evaluated by a recognized agency like the CGFNS, apply for licensure to your chosen state’s BON, wait for eligibility or notice of approval, register with Pearson VUE.

How do I apply for NCLEX in the Philippines?

NCLEX Application Steps for Philippines, Foreign Nurses

  1. Determine which state you want to apply.
  2. Visit the website of your chosen state.
  3. Download/request Application Forms, Instructions, Fingerprint Cards.
  4. Submit your completed application(forms, documents, payments, etc.)
  5. Schedule your NCLEX.
  6. Take the NCLEX Test.

What is the passing score of NCLEX-RN?

In fact, the passing score on the NCLEX-RN is actually zero! According to a recent release from the NCSBN, the passing logit score for the NCLEX-RN (through 2019) is 0.00. Basically, this means that you need to be answering the medium difficulty questions correctly at least 50% of the time to pass.

How many times can I take NCLEX?

eight times a year
And if you are wondering how often you can take the NCLEX, the NCSBN retake policy allows for a retake eight times a year, ensuring 45 exam-free days between each test.

Is the NCLEX hard to pass?

NCLEX Pass Rates The second-attempt pass rate for domestically-educated students taking the test was 45.56%. These results demonstrate that it is a pretty difficult test. The questions are designed to test your critical thinking, knowledge of the nursing process, and assessment skills.