How do I apply for K1 Kanyashree?

How to apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa Yojana?

  1. Obtain the application form from the school/institution. K1 form is to be filled for annual scholarship and K2 form is to be filled for one-time grant.
  2. Get a bank account opened in the name of the girl child (beneficiary).
  3. Attach all the required documents.

What is K1 form Kanyashree?

Annual Scholarship (K-1) Application Form. for girls born between 01/04/2002 and 31/03/2007.

What is K1 K2 in Kanyashree?

Kanyashree K1 scheme for the 13 to 18 years old school students. Under this K1 scholarship scheme girl, students are getting Rs. 750 per year. Kanyashree K2 scheme is for unmarried college girls students under age 18 to 19 years and the monthly family income less than Rs. 10,000.

What documents are required for Kanyashree Prakalpa?

Documents Required

  • Age proof document – a copy of the birth certificate.
  • A statement of declaration of being unmarried.
  • Income certificate.
  • Certificate of enrolment and attendance by Head of Institution of Education or Training.
  • Copy of certificate of disability (for disabled girls)
  • Photocopy of bank passbook.

What is the amount paid as K1 annual scholarship?

Kanyashree Prakalpa (KP), introduced by Government of West Bengal in 2012 is a unique Conditional Cash Transfer scheme which targets adolescent girls aged 13-19 years and offers a two-tier scholarship of an annual Rs 500 for continuing education (K1) and a one-time payment of Rs 25,000 on completion of 18, conditional …

Where can I get Kanyashree form?

Step 1- First, Visit the Official Website of West Bengal Kanyashree Prakalpa i.e. Step 2- On the Homepage, Click on the Option “Download Online Application Form” link or collect the application form from the institution you are studying.

What is K3 form?

In general, the Form 1065 Schedule K-3 reports a partner’s distributive share of items of international tax relevance and is an extension of the Form 1065 Schedule K-1. It replaces line 16, portions of line 20, and numerous unformatted statements attached to prior versions of the Schedule K-1 Form 1065, Schedule K-1.

What is the difference between K1 and K2 Kanyashree?

Form K1 is the application form for Annual Scholarship and will be available at schools. Form K2 is applicable for One Time Grant for girls born on or after 01.04.1995 and will be available at schools.

Is K1 ID and K2 ID same?

The application forms for the Annual Scholarship – also called K1, are printed on light green paper, while the One-Time Grant application forms, also called K2 are printed on light blue paper. Girls who have received K1 and are still below 18yrs fulfilling other conditions (Renewal):

What is K2 form?

K2 smartforms offers a browser-based designer that allows users to build electronic SmartForms that can then be used to capture information on web Forms, web applications and in SharePoint solutions. K2 smartforms can be workflow-enabled when combined with K2’s award-winning workflow server.

How much money do we get from Kanyashree?

Kanyashree Prakalpa is a Government of West Bengal Scheme that gives adolescent girls an annual scholarships of Rs. 750/- and a one-time grant of Rs. 25,000.

How do you Kanyashree K2 form fill up?