How do I analyze a Windows crash dump?

Follow these steps to open and analyze a Dump file in Windows 10:

  1. Click Search in the Taskbar and type WinDbg,
  2. Right-click WinDbg and select Run as administrator.
  3. Click the File menu.
  4. Click Start debugging.
  5. Click Open Dump file.
  6. Select the Dump file from the folder location – for example, %SystemRoot%\Minidump.

How do you analyze a WinDbg crash dump?

You can analyze crash dump files by using WinDbg and other Windows debuggers. This content is for developers. If you are a customer who has received a blue screen error code while using your computer, see Troubleshoot blue screen errors.

How do I view crash dump files?

Click Open Crash Dump on the File menu to open a user-mode or kernel-mode crash dump file and to analyze it. This command is equivalent to pressing CTRL+D.

How do I analyze a core dump file?

With a core file, we can use the debugger (GDB) to inspect the state of the process at the moment it was terminated and to identify the line of code that caused the problem. That’s a situation where a core dump file could be produced, but it’s not by default.

How are Minidumps diagnosed?

Analyzing a Minidump

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. On the File menu, click Open Project.
  3. Set Files of type to Dump Files, navigate to the dump file, select it, and click Open.
  4. Run the debugger.

How do you analyze wer files?

wer files can also be accessed through the Windows Action Center (Control Panel\System and Security\Action Center). You’ll find a list of all crash reports behind the link “View problems to report” in the Maintenance section.

How do you analyze a process dump file?

Dump file analysis

  1. Download and install the Debug Diagnostics tools from Microsoft.
  2. Run DebugDiag Analysis from the start menu.
  3. Check CrashHangAnalysis .
  4. Click Add Data Files and select the dump file.
  5. Click Start Analysis .
  6. Wait.

How do I view crash logs in Windows 10?

To view Windows 10 crash logs such as the logs of blue screen error, just click on Windows Logs.

  1. Then choose System under Windows Logs.
  2. Find and click Error on the event list.
  3. You can also create a custom view so you can view the crash logs more quickly.
  4. Choose a time period you want to view.
  5. Select the By log option.

Is core dump a debugging technique?

You can then use the core dump file to help debug the problems. Core dump debugging is useful when you have a failing application in a production environment, and you don’t have the COBOL development system installed.

How do I use Gcore?

To get the pstack and gcore, here is the procedure:

  1. Get the process ID of the suspect process: # ps -eaf | grep -i suspect_process.
  2. Use the process ID to generate the gcore: # gcore
  3. Now generate the pstack based on the generated gcore file:
  4. Now create a compressed tar ball with the gcore.