How do I add Uplay friends on Steam?

If you do want to, you simply click on the Friends icon in the top right of the client, click “Add Friends”, and in the new window that opens select “Import friends from Steam”. The search will automatically start and once it is done you will have a list of friends that you can add in Uplay.

Can you play with Steam friends on Uplay?

Yes! You will be able to invite other players from your friends list in-game, whether you purchased your game from the Epic Games Store or any other distribution partner.

Why are Ubisoft games not on Steam?

Since the launch of the Epic Games Store, Ubisoft has stopped bringing new titles to Steam, opting for the former as a simultaneous release platform instead.

How do I transfer Ubisoft games to Steam?

You add the exe from the uplay folder and when you launch it from steam all it does is launch it from uplay and enable you to use the steam overlay. The game will never be in your steam library. Simply go to your Steam games Library, and launch an installed Uplay-enabled game from Steam.

Can I play Ubisoft games on Steam?

Ubisoft does have some content available on Steam, including Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Trials Rising, Far Cry New Dawn and The Crew 2, and others. The last game added was Space Junkies on March 26th, 2019.

Why did Ubisoft stop selling on Steam?

Ubisoft has been vocal in its criticisms of Steam in years gone by. Back in 2019, Ubisoft called out Steam’s 30% cut ‘unrealistic’ and a driving factor in why Ubisoft has kept its titles away from Valve’s storefront.

Is Ubisoft ever going back to Steam?

Ubisoft games including Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Far Cry 6, might finally be coming back to Steam. The Ubisoft Connect PC Client was recently added to Steam’s default package, which is now available to all users.

Can you use Ubisoft games on Steam?

Is Ubisoft no longer putting games on Steam?

In brief: Ubisoft and Steam parted ways about two years ago when the former decided to sell its digital PC games exclusively from Uplay and Epic Games Store. However, newly found evidence shows we may soon see Ubisoft games once again available on the popular digital games store.

Does Ubisoft hate Steam?

“It was a business decision.” Recently, Ubisoft’s Chris Early spoke out against Valve’s PC digital store, Steam, saying its business model is “unrealistic.” He added, “It doesn’t reflect where the world is today in terms of game distribution.” Now, Ubisoft has further clarified its position on the matter.

Will Ubisoft go back to Steam?

Why is Ubisoft no longer on Steam?