How do I add an image to a UserForm?

VBA Image_Control on the UserForm

  1. Go To Developer Tab and then click Visual Basic from the Code or Press Alt+F11.
  2. Go To Insert Menu, Click UserForm.
  3. Drag the Image_control on the Userform from the Toolbox.
  4. Click on the image_control properties.

How do I display an image in Excel VBA?

Where to put the code?

  1. Press Alt + F11 to start the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).
  2. Press with left mouse button on “Insert” on the menu, see image above.
  3. Press with left mouse button on “Module”.
  4. Paste VBA code to window.
  5. Exit VB Editor and return to Excel.

How do I load an image into VBA?


  1. Excel Picture Viewer.
  2. Design the User Form.
  3. Option and Command Buttons.
  4. Add New Photo Tab.
  5. Form Initialize Event.
  6. Get Textbox data.
  7. VBA Option Button Code.
  8. ImageBox VBA Code.

How do I add an image to a command button in VBA?

If you use a CommandButton from the Control Toolbox toolbar (ActiveX), you can place an image on the button. Right click on the button and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Then select an image using its’ Picture property.

How do I control an image in VBA?

VBA ActiveX Image Control on the Worksheet

  1. Go To Developer Tab and then click Insert from the Controls.
  2. Click on the Image_control from the ActiveX Controls group.
  3. Drag the control on the Worksheet.
  4. Right click on the Image_control, before that Design Mode should be turned ON.
  5. Click on properties from the available list.

How do I insert a picture into a button in Excel?

How to insert picture in Excel

  1. In your Excel spreadsheet, click where you want to put a picture.
  2. Switch to the Insert tab > Illustrations group, and click Pictures.
  3. In the Insert Picture dialog that opens, browse to the picture of interest, select it, and click Insert.

How do you display a picture in Excel based on a cell reference?

Click Home -> Copy (or Ctrl + C) to copy the cell. Select a different cell (use E2 if working with the example file). Click Home -> Paste (drop-down) -> Linked Picture (alternatively, the Camera Tool is an option). The pasted image will appear.

How do I insert a picture in a path in Excel?

Insert or Display Images from File Paths in Excel:

  1. Enable the feature, by selecting the Kutools tab, Insert option, then Choose Insert Pictures from Path(URL).
  2. It will open the dialog box, you have to specify the data ranges for Path(URL) Range, Insert Range(one cell) options.
  3. Give the needed picture Size.

How do I put an image in a button in Excel?

Add an image control to a worksheet

  1. If the Developer tab is not available, display it.
  2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Insert, and then under ActiveX Controls, click Image .
  3. Click the worksheet location where you want the upper-left corner of the image control to appear.

What is the difference between Image and picture box control?

An Image control has Stretch property, a Picturebox control does not. Picturebox control has an AutoSize property, an Image control does not. However code workarounds can substitute for these two missing properties in either/both. Both controls use a StdPicture object to store graphics and so Picture.