How do I add a line in mainframe?

To insert one or more lines in a data set or member:

  1. Type I in the line command field of the line that the inserted line is to follow. If you want to insert more than one line, type a number greater than 1 after the I command.
  2. Press Enter. The line or lines are inserted.

How do you insert a line in CL program?

To enter CL source, follow these steps:

  1. Select option 8 (Edit source) on the Programmer Menu and specify STARTUP in the Parm field.
  2. Specify CLLE in the Type field and press the Enter key.
  3. On the SEU display, use the I (insert) line command to enter the CL commands (CALL is a CL command).

How do I paste multiple lines in mainframe?

To copy one or more lines within the same data set or member:

  1. Type C in the line command field of the line to be copied.
  2. Next, specify the destination of the line to be copied by using either the A (after), B (before), or O (overlay) line command.
  3. Press Enter.

What is TSO and ISPF in mainframe?

Time Sharing Option/Extensions (TSO/E) allows users to create an interactive session with the z/OS® system. TSO provides a single-user logon capability and a basic command prompt interface to z/OS. Most users work with TSO through its menu-driven interface, Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF).

What is a JCL in mainframes?

JCL (job control language) is a language for describing jobs (units of work) to the MVS, OS/390, and VSE operating systems, which run on IBM’s S/390 mainframe computers. These operating systems allocate their time and space resources among the total number of jobs that have been started in the computer.

What is SEU in AS400?

Ü SEU (Source entry Utility) · This is source code entry/editor application that is used in AS400 to create any type of member. · To open the SEU we can go to WRKMBRPDM and then press F6 (Create) or you can type STRSEU on the command line.

What is the difference between CL and CLLE?

CLLE modules are bound into a program the same way that RPGLE modules are bound to a program. CL can’t be bound. They create programs themselves. The ILE programming model is one where modules are bound statically into programs.

How do you copy a line in JCL?

How do you repeat a line in JCL?

To repeat one or more lines:

  1. Type R in the line command field of the line that is to be repeated. If you want to repeat the line more than once, type a number that is greater than 1 immediately after the R command.
  2. Press Enter.