How do I add a custom link to a gallery in WordPress?

Adding Custom Gallery Links in WordPress

  1. Select the images for your gallery.
  2. Scroll to the end of the Attachment Details column (right)
  3. Enter the custom link URL.
  4. Choose a link target from the Link Target dropdown.
  5. Click the blue Create a New Gallery button to update the changes.

How do I use custom link plugin for gallery?

Once you’ve uploaded the image, you can link it to a custom URL under attachment display settings. Simply select the image and then click the ‘Insert Link’ icon. After that, you can enter a custom URL or select a Media File or an Attachment Page to link the image.

How do I create a custom URL for an image in WordPress?

In the Image Details window, there’s a Link To option in the Display Settings section. Click it and select the Custom URL option. You’ll then be given an input where you can add any URL. Update the image and save the page/post, and the image will now link to the new URL.

How do I create a link from a photo gallery?

Send a link or share to other apps

  1. On your mobile device, open the Google Photos app .
  2. Select a photo, album, or video.
  3. Tap Share .
  4. Under “Share to apps,” select another app to share to. Swipe left to find more apps.
  5. To create and share a link, tap Create link.

How do I link an image to another page in WordPress?

Add Links to Images

  1. Insert an image to any page or post using the Image Block.
  2. Click on the image once and a toolbar will appear directly above it.
  3. Select the link icon (it looks like a link from a chain.)
  4. A box will pop up where you can paste your link directly or search your existing site content to link to.

How do I make a picture into a link in HTML?

To use image as a link in HTML, use the tag as well as the tag with the href attribute. The tag is for using an image in a web page and the tag is for adding a link. Under the image tag src attribute, add the URL of the image. With that, also add the height and width.

What is a WordPress shortcode?

A shortcode is akin to a shortcut to add features to your website that would typically require lots of complicated computer code and technical ability. A shortcode is written inside two square brackets. For example, the [youtube] shortcode can be used to embed any public YouTube video into any page or post.

Can I embed a hyperlink in a JPEG?

It’s not possible to save a hyperlink in a JPEG file—hyperlinks are a type of HTML code, so they require an HTML file. But don’t worry—you can easily copy the code from Photoshop’s HTML file and add it to your own website.