How do I activate my AXIS camera Station?


  1. Start AXIS Camera Station and select ‘Grace period’ in the license dialog.
  2. Go to the software activation page and login with a valid MyAxis account (required).
  3. Fill in all the requested information on that page.
  4. You will receive an Access Code.
  5. Start AXIS Camera Station and select ‘Registration done’.

Is Axis camera Station free?

Axis Camera Station One is a FREE software solution for the simultaneous viewing and recording of high-quality H. 264, MPEG-4 and Motion JPEG video from a single surveillance camera.

How do I access my axis camera?

To access your site from a remote location open up AXIS Camera Companion 2.0 and log in with the same MyAxis account as used on the local site. Select the remote site, type in the site password and press Enter. You should now be connected to the site. your cameras and router up manually.

What is the default IP for AXIS camera?
The default IP address for the Axis cameras and video encoders is 192.168. 0.90. More information can be looked up here.

What is AXIS Camera default password?

Axis: Traditionally root/pass, new Axis cameras require password creation during first login (note that root/pass may be used for ONVIF access, but logging into the camera requires root password creation) Basler: admin/admin.

Is Axis companion free?

The Axis Companion application is free, easy to use and makes CCTV simple. With no need for network or router configuration, it’s never been easier to get your CCTV system up and running – all from your mobile device, no PC needed.

How do I find the IP address of my axis camera?

To navigate to the camera’s Device Details page, select Devices in the navigation bar to the left in your Room Alert Account, and then select your camera from the device list. You may find the unit’s IP address listed under Local IP.

What is Axis default password?

The default username for your Axis router is root. The default password is pass.

What is IP camera activation password?

In earlier versions of the firmware (to version 5.3. 0) IP cameras HIKVISION supplied to IP address 192.0. 0.64 and the default password is 12345. Starting with version 5.3.