How do I access iDRAC6 console?

Press at the iDRAC6 Virtual Console to switch Linux to a text console….To open a Virtual Console session in the Web interface, perform the following steps:

  1. Click System® Console/Media® Virtual Console and Virtual Media.
  2. Use the information in Table 9-3 to ensure that a Virtual Console session is available.

How do I use iDRAC 7 Virtual Console?

To launch the Virtual Console from the iDRAC7 Web interface:

  1. Go to Overview → Server → Properties → Summary and under Virtual Console Preview section, click Launch. NOTE: If you are using Internet Explorer, you may be prompted to install an ActiveX control.
  2. If a certificate warning message is displayed, click Run.

How do I open Jnlp iDRAC viewer?

Launching the iDRAC virtual console Click Launch Virtual Console. A file will begin downloading to your workstation. When the file has downloaded, delete the characters after viewer. jnlp, and open the file immediately after the download has completed.

How do I open iDRAC Virtual Console Windows 10?

Launching virtual console using web interface

  1. Go to Overview > Server > Virtual Console. The Virtual Console page is displayed. Click Launch Virtual Console.
  2. Go to Overview > Server > Properties. The System Summary page is displayed. Under Virtual Console Preview section, click Launch.

How do I launch iDRAC JNLP virtual console?

How to: Getting iDRAC6 virtual console to work with Chrome

  1. Step 1: Get the Fix IDRAC .jnlp file from the Chrome webstore. This makes sense of the JNLP files that you’ll download to start the virtual console.
  2. Step 2: Get Java on your machine.
  3. Step 3: Setup Java security.
  4. Step 4: Allow Java to accept old SSL certificates.

How do I open iDRAC virtual console?

What is an iDRAC used for?

The Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) is designed for secure local and remote server management and helps IT administrators deploy, update and monitor Dell EMC PowerEdge servers anywhere, anytime.

How do I access iDRAC in Windows?

Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your iDRAC interface and access the administrative web interface. On the prompt screen, enter the administrative login information. After a successful login, the administrative menu will be displayed. On the Users screen, select the ROOT user ID to access its properties.