How do humans get Giardia?
How do humans get Giardia?
You can get giardiasis if you swallow Giardia germs. Giardia spreads easily and can spread from person to person or through contaminated water, food, surfaces, or objects. The most common way people get sick is by swallowing contaminated drinking water or recreational water (for example, lakes, rivers, or pools).
What does Giardia do to humans?
Giardiasis (jee-are-DYE-uh-sis) is caused by the microscopic Giardia parasite. The parasite attaches itself to the lining of the small intestines in humans, where it causes diarrhea and interferes with the body’s absorption of fats and carbohydrates from digested foods.
What parasite causes Giardia?
Giardiasis is a diarrheal disease caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia duodenalis (or “Giardia” for short). Once a person or animal has been infected with Giardia, the parasite lives in the intestines and is passed in stool (poop). Once outside the body, Giardia can sometimes survive for weeks or even months.
What happens if Giardia goes untreated?
If left untreated, Giardia will eventually lead to more acute symptoms, including bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration. If you or your child experience a bout of diarrhea lasting more than a day or two, contact your doctor immediately.
What is the best treatment for Giardia?
Metronidazole (Flagyl). Metronidazole is the most commonly used antibiotic for giardia infection. Side effects may include nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth. Don’t drink alcohol while taking this medication.
Is Giardia hard to get rid of?
Giardia is hard to eliminate from the environment, but there are things you can do to lower the chances of your pet getting sick again, and to help you and your family stay healthy: Always remove poop from your yard or other outdoor areas by using a bag and throwing it away.
What does your poop look like when you have parasites?
Additionally, some intestinal parasites are large enough to be seen with the naked eye and may appear as white thread-like creatures in stools.
What happens if giardiasis is left untreated?