How do gravitational wave detectors work?

Light pulses in a gravitational wave detector Light that has left the source together, travels together (so green and red pulses are side by side) until the beam splitter. The beam splitter then sends the green pulses on their upward journey and lets the red pulses pass on their way towards the mirror on the right.

What device detects gravitational waves?

Gravitational-wave observatory
A gravitational-wave detector (used in a gravitational-wave observatory) is any device designed to measure tiny distortions of spacetime called gravitational waves.

Are gravity waves hard to detect?

And sometimes, these events only cause small, weak gravitational waves. The waves are then very weak by the time they reach Earth. This makes gravitational waves hard to detect.

How do interferometers detect gravitational waves?

How do interferometers detect gravitational waves? A gravitational wave is predicted to stretch space-time in one direction and contract it in the perpendicular direction. Changes in the distance along the arms are detected by looking at the interference pattern of light sent along the arms.

How does LIGO work?

Gravitational waves cause space itself to stretch in one direction and simultaneously compress in a perpendicular direction. In LIGO, this causes one arm of the interferometer to get longer while the other gets shorter, then vice versa, back and forth as long as the wave is passing.

What is LIGO India project?

The LIGO-India project is a mega-science project in Astronomy on Indian soil. It promises breakthrough research outcome, development of cutting edge technology and opportunities for students and researchers. The scientific goals of the project are in the area of astronomy and fundamental physics.

How does the LIGO detector work?

Does gravity have a frequency?

Gravitational waves are expected to have frequencies 10−16 Hz < f < 104 Hz.

Can gravitational waves destroy Earth?

Physicists say a kind of freakish gravitational wave would be so powerful they could tangle space-time, form a black hole and destroy the Earth. But don’t worry, they probably won’t. Most gravitational waves – ripples in the fabric of the universe caused by the motion of massive objects – are spherical.

How does a LIGO detector work?

How does LIGO measure distance?

Most sensitive: At its most sensitive state, LIGO will be able to detect a change in distance between its mirrors 1/10,000th the width of a proton! This is equivalent to measuring the distance to the nearest star (some 4.2 light years away) to an accuracy smaller than the width of a human hair.

What wavelength does LIGO use?

This 4 W beam is first sent into a fingernail-sized crystal of man-made garnet, within which it circulates and stimulates the emission of a 2 watt beam with a wavelength of 1064 nanometers (nm).