How did Peter the Great reform his government?

He created a strong navy, reorganized his army according to Western standards, secularized schools, administered greater control over the reactionary Orthodox Church and introduced new administrative and territorial divisions of the country.

What were some of the reforms Peter the Great adopted?

Peter implemented social modernization in an absolute manner by introducing French and western dress to his court and requiring courtiers, state officials, and the military to shave their beards and adopt modern clothing styles.

How did Peter the Great reform economy?

Peter the Great tried to protect the Russian economy in any way. He aimed that the amount of exported goods would overcome the amount of imported goods from the abroad. At the end of his rule, he achieved that goal. The amount of exported goods was double the amount of imported goods.

What were 4 things accomplished by Peter the Great?

10 Major Accomplishments of Peter the Great

  • #1 He initiated Russia’s westernization through his internal reforms.
  • #2 He enhanced Russia’s economy by industrial growth.
  • #3 Peter the Great implemented sweeping reforms in education.
  • #4 He introduced the system of Table of Ranks to do away with hereditary nobility.

In what way did Peter the Great reform the economy and government of Russia through Westernization?

2. In what way did Peter the Great reform the economy and government of Russia through Westernization? Economy: built up metallurgical and mining industries; primary purpose was to make military technology, remain independent of West; supplied industries with cheap labor source from serfs.

What type of government did Peter the Great have?

When Peter the Great came to power in 1682, Russia’s government was split into three levels: central, provincial and local. Peter made a number of changes to the structure and running of these sections of government.

How did Peter the Great Gain maintain and consolidate power?

Shortly after taking power in 1696 Peter set off on a grand tour of Europe. Traveling in disguise, Peter studied the military, political structures, economy and cultures of the European states. Upon returning to Russia, Peter instituted a series of reforms to modernize and Westernize Russia and consolidate his power.

What are 3 things Peter the Great did?

His major achievements include the founding of St. Petersburg in 1703, the victory against Sweden at the Battle of Poltava in 1709, and the birth of the Russian navy, Peter’s lifelong passion.

Why did Peter the Great reform Russia?

Peter the Great was determined to reform the domestic structure of Russia. He had a simple desire to push Russia – willingly or otherwise – into the modern era as existed then. While his military reforms were ongoing, he reformed the church, education and areas of Russia’s economy.

What changes did Peter the Great make to Russia quizlet?

He improved Russian agriculture by introducing the potato, strengthened the Russian economy by importing skilled workers, and liberated Russian women by allowing them to appear in public without veils. In a famous and much resented act, Peter forced nobles to shave off their traditional long beards.