How did Cephalus deceive Procris?

Cephalus tests his wife’s faithfulness by trying to seduce her while disguised as someone else. After a lot of cajoling and a ton of gifts, Procris kind of sort of almost gives in. It’s enough to make Cephalus totally flip out, and Procris runs away to hang out with Artemis for a while in the woods.

What is the story of Cephalus and procris?

Procris feared that Cephalus had been unfaithful and hid in the woods to spy on him while he was hunting. Mistaking the noise she made for that of a wild animal, Cephalus threw his spear and killed her. The story is from Ovid’s, ‘Metamorphoses’ (7: 701-14).

What is the moral lesson of the story of Cephalus and procris?

The myth of the huntsman Cephalus and his wife Procris was presented as a parable of the misfortunes caused by a lack of marital trust and fidelity. According to the Roman poet Ovid (43 BC-AD 17) in “The Metamorphoses,” Cephalus is urged by a goddess to test the faithfulness of his wife.

Who is Procris Cephalus?

In Greek mythology, Cephalus and Procris are a young couple, newly married, whose love was destined to end in tragedy. Aurora, the goddess of dawn fell in love with Cephalus. He rejected her and she retaliated by planting in him seeds of suspicion concerning his wife’s faithfulness.

Who is Cephalus son?

Ancient sources do state that Clymene did bear Cephalus four sons, Crane, Pali, Pronnoi and Same, who would found the four main cities of ancient Cephallenia.

Who Abducted Cephalus?

One of the unfortunate souls was Cephalus, the husband of princess Procris, daughter of the first king and queen of Athens. The young prince captured the eye of Selene, the moon goddess. She abducted him and installed him in a luxurious palace. But Cephalus missed Procris and demanded that Selene let him go.

Who is the mother of Procris?

Queen Praxithea
Procris was the daughter of the king of Athens, Erechtheus, and Queen Praxithea. She had two sisters, Creusa and Orithyia. She married Cephalus, son of Deioneus.

Who is Cephalus wife?

Cephalus was a figure in Greek mythology, son of the ruler of Phocis, Deion, and Diomede. He was married to Procris, daughter of the king of Athens Erectheus and Praxithea.

Is Cephalus a real person?

Cephalus, in Greek mythology, son of Hermes and Herse, daughter of Cecrops, king of Athens. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, he was beloved by the goddess Dawn (Eos, or Aurora), who carried him off to live with her on Mount Olympus.

Is cephalus a God?