How did Batman fix his spine?

When Bruce Wayne finds Kinsolving, he finds himself caught in the middle of a telekinetic tug-of-war between Asp and Kinsolving. The battle climaxes with her refocusing her energy to defeat Asp; as a side effect of the energy, Bruce’s broken spine becomes healed.

Did Bane break Batman’s spine?

His victory took place in the Knightfall arc of DC Comics’ Batman, published back in 1993. The culmination of a long-term plan on Bane’s part to weaken Batman both mentally and physically, the hulking Bane takes an exhausted and beaten Batman, raises him over his head, and breaks his spine over one knee.

Is Barbara Gordon permanently paralyzed?

In Batman: The Killing Joke (1988), the Joker shoots Barbara, intending to drive her father James Gordon into madness. The bullet severs her spine, permanently paralyzing her from the waist down.

How did Batman break his back in the Dark Knight Rises?

If you’ve never seen the movie The Dark Knight Rises, Batman is fighting the supervillain, Bane. Bane lifts him over his head and drops him across his knee. Here’s the fight scene if you haven’t seen it (the back-breaking starts at the 3:30-minute mark).

How did Batman fix his leg?

In a nod to the comic books, he develops a knee brace with servomotors that alleviates his need for a cane, and he takes up the mantle once again, taking on new foes in the process.

What was Batman’s injury in the Dark Knight Rises?

In Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne recovers unusually fast from his back-shattering spinal injury courtesy of Bane. Unfortunately, he is forced into an underground prison called the Pit, where he spends around five months in rehabilitation.

How did Batman heal from Bane?

Trapped in a prison by Bane, Wayne is helped by a fellow inmate, who punches a misplaced piece of vertebrae back into place, then creates a rope harness for Bruce to hang from until he can walk again.

How did Barbara get her legs back?

In the new, revised continuity, the events of The Killing Joke took place three years before the current storyline, and while it is established she was paraplegic during that time, Barbara Gordon is written as having regained her mobility after undergoing experimental surgery at a South African clinic.

How did Batgirl fix her spine?

It was later revealed in the pages of Batgirl that Babs had undergone an experimental “neural surgery” which allowed her to walk again.

Why does Bruce Wayne have no cartilage?

If a joint is burdened by improper alignment, excessive weight, excessive activity, overuse, or injury, articular cartilage wears away. Excessive activity and overuse certainly apply in the case of Bruce Wayne.