How did authorities receive McCandless Social Security number?

He radios Westerberg, who tunes into the show and then calls the Alaska State Troopers. They don’t believe him and ask him to call back when he has concrete evidence. He calls again and gives them the social security number McCandless used while working at the grain elevator as well as McCandless’s given name.

What happened in Chapter 7 of Into the Wild?

Summary: Chapter 7 Almost two months after the discovery of McCandless’s body, the narrator meets with Wayne Westerberg in Carthage, South Dakota to discuss McCandless’s last period of work at Westerberg’s grain elevator. McCandless intended to stay from March until April to raise funds for his trip to Alaska.

What page does Chris burn his money?

Towards the beginning of the story in Chapter 4 we experience Chris burn all of his money before his trip, here money is shown as society and through him burning his money we are able to see his views against society and his needs to disconnect form it.

What did Chris do that Billie and Walt were unaware of?

Chris had been born to his mother, Billie, while father Walt was still married to his first wife, Marcia. And two years after Chris was born, Walt McCandless fathered another child with Marcia. Discovering this duplicity infuriated McCandless.

Who is the last person to see McCandless alive?

McCandless was then last seen alive at the head of the Stampede Trail on April 28 by a local electrician named Jim Gallien.

What is Chapter 9 about in into the wild?

Summary: Chapter 9 Davis Gulch contains petroglyphs left behind by the Anasazi people, as well as a carving left in 1993 by a young man named Everett Ruess, who, like Christopher McCandless, disappeared into the wild.

How did Franz find out about McCandless death?

Answers 1. Franz waits for McCandless’s return, but one day when he picks up two hitchhikers and tells them about his friend “Alex,” they tell him that they just read an article in Outside magazine about it, and he’s dead.

How much money did Chris McCandless give away?

Upon graduation from Emory University, McCandless donated his entire life savings, $24,000 to Oxfam America and embarked on an adventure to Alaska where he ultimately meets his fate.

What was Chris McCandless mistake?

Because the wild potato was universally believed to be safe to eat, in this article I speculated that McCandless had mistakenly consumed the seeds of the wild sweet pea, Hedysarum mackenzii—a plant thought to be toxic, and which is hard to distinguish from Hedysarum alpinum. I attributed his death to this blunder.

What is chapter 10 about in Into the Wild?

In Chapter 10 of Into the Wild, Krakauer describes the long and drawn-out process it took to discover Chris McCandless’s identity after his body was found in the Alaskan wilderness. Chris had died while wearing a sweatshirt bearing the logo of a Santa Barbara towing company. The police used this as their first lead.

What is chapter 9 about in Into the Wild?