How convert cPanel backup to DirectAdmin?

To migrate the cPanel accounts to DirectAdmin, follow the below steps: First, log in to your cPanel account as a root user via SSH. Then, run the following script to generate a full cPanel account password. Please note that the generated backup should be in the ‘cpmove-user.

How do I migrate from cPanel to Virtualmin?

1) Login to cPanel–> Backup –> Download a Full Account Backup….We can now discuss about the remaining migration process on Webmin/Virtualmin.

  1. Login to your Virtualmin Dashboard.
  2. Click on the option “Add servers” shown in the left side panel.
  3. Then click on the “Migrate Virtual Server” option.

How do I access DirectAdmin?

  1. First, to login into DirectAdmin control panel visit, or https://IP-address:2222 or https://server-hostname:2222.
  2. Navigate to Extra Features → Webmail Roundcube.
  3. Now, enter the Email Address and configured Password → Click on Login.
  4. Congratulations!

How do I log into my DirectAdmin email?

Is DirectAdmin better than cPanel?

Both come with a user-friendly interface and easy server configuration, but DirectAdmin hosting doesn’t have proper command-line functions. Similarly, cPanel hosting offers an interactive UI and configuration functionalities, but when it comes to advanced user needs, DirectAdmin is a better choice.

What is DirectAdmin control panel?

DirectAdmin is a graphical web-based web hosting control panel allowing administration of websites through a web browser.

Is Plesk more secure than cPanel?

As we said before, Plesk runs on both Linux and Windows Server, while cPanel is a Linux-only deal….Plesk vs cPanel: Distros.

Solutions Plesk Onyx cPanel/WHM
SSL Let’s Encrypt + Symantec AutoSSL with Let’s Encrypt
Mobile accessibility

Is Plesk like cPanel?

Plesk vs cPanel: Distros One major difference between the Plesk and cPanel web hosting control panels is that Plesk is available on both Windows Server and Linux distributions. cPanel is only available on Linux operating systems (although some backdoor methods are available to run cPanel on Windows servers).