How check SSL VPN log in FortiGate?

  1. Logging VPN events. You can configure the FortiGate unit to log VPN events.
  2. To log VPN events.
  3. Go to Log & Report > Log Settings.
  4. Verify that the VPN activity event option is selected.
  5. Select Apply.
  6. To view event logs.
  7. Go to Log & Report > VPN Events.
  8. Select the Log location.

How do I troubleshoot FortiGate SSL VPN?

Troubleshooting common issues

  1. Check that the policy for SSL VPN traffic is configured correctly.
  2. Check that you are using the correct port number in the URL. Ensure FortiGate is reachable from the computer. ping
  3. Check the browser has TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.3 enabled.

How do I check my TLS settings for FortiClient?

Go to Internet explorer -> Settings -> Internet options -> Advanced, scroll down and check the TLS version.

How do I get FortiClient logs?


  1. Launch FortiClient.
  2. Go to File > Settings.
  3. Expand “Logging” section and enable relevant features for which debug is required.
  4. Set “Log level” as “Debug”.
  5. Select “OK”.
  6. To collect the logs, go to File > Settings, and select “Export logs”.

How do I get FortiClient VPN logs?

How to Export Your Fortclient Logs

  1. Open FortiClient.
  2. Click File > Settings.
  3. Under the “Logging” heading, click “Export Logs”
  4. Choose a convenient location to save the file, such as the Desktop, and enter a descriptive file name that includes the date.

Why is FortiClient not connecting?

It might be a SSL/TLS issue. Try changing the TLS settings under Internet Properties -> Advanced Settings.

How do I get FortiClient to work?

Connecting to SSL VPN

  1. On the Remote Access tab, select the VPN connection from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click the Connect button.
  4. After connecting, you can now browse your remote network.
  5. Click the Disconnect button when you are ready to terminate the VPN session.

How do I change TLS settings in FortiClient?

On the FortiClient (Windows) workstation, go to Internet Explorer > Options > Advanced. 2. Change the TLS settings to match those settings on FortiGate. For example, if TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are enabled on FortiGate, enable them in Internet Explorer too.

What is an SSL tunnel?

SSL Tunneling involves a client that requires an SSL connection to a backend service or secure server via a proxy server. This proxy server opens the connection between the client and the backend service and copies the data to both sides without any direct interference in the SSL connection.