How can odontogenic cysts appear on radiographs?
How can odontogenic cysts appear on radiographs?
At radiography, an odontogenic keratocyst usually appears as a unilocular, lucent lesion with smooth, corticated borders that is often associated with an impacted tooth (,,,Fig 5).
How can you tell the difference between ameloblastoma and dentigerous cyst?
Although the presence of a tooth within a lucent mass is pathognomonic for a dentigerous cyst, the aggressive features of portions of the mass and the presence of solid enhancing nodular foci were inconsistent with this type of cyst. Thus, ameloblastoma was the primary differential diagnosis.
What is primordial cyst?
A primordial cyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst. It is found in an area where a tooth should have formed but is missing. Primordial cysts most commonly arise in the area of mandibular third molars.
What is a radiolucent lesion?
The radiolucent lesion has a broad border of transition and has destroyed the lateral cortex of the bone. There is minimal reaction of the bone to the lesion. Another possible diagnosis is metastatic carcinoma.
Which of the following is characteristic of a primordial cyst?
They are characterised by aggressive growth and a tendency to recur following surgical treatment. Displacement of teeth, resorption of the roots of teeth, ‘seeding’ of the cyst into soft tissue and pathological fracture of the mandible exemplify this behaviour.
What is odontogenic myxoma?
Odontogenic myxoma is a rare benign tumour of the jaw and characteristically presents as a slow, painless, bony expansion with resultant facial deformity. It is most commonly associated with an unerupted tooth and probably arises from the mesenchymal portion of the tooth germ [1]. According to a study by Regezi et al.
How can you tell the difference between ameloblastoma and OKC?
Most OKCs showed smooth border and unilocular shape, while most ameloblastomas showed scalloped border and multilocular shape. Compared with ameloblastomas, OKCs showed greater frequency to be associated with impacted tooth, and were unlikely to cause tooth displacement and root resorption.
How can you distinguish between dentigerous cyst and hyperplastic tooth follicle?
The true differential diagnosis between hyperplastic dental follicle and dentigerous cyst should be made by radiographic correlation. Most authors suggest that to qualify as a dentigerous cyst, the space between the tooth and the follicle should be >3–4 mm.
What causes a primordial cyst?
The exact cause of pilonidal cysts isn’t clear. But most pilonidal cysts appear to be caused by loose hairs that penetrate the skin. Friction and pressure — skin rubbing against skin, tight clothing, bicycling, long periods of sitting or similar factors — force the hair down into skin.
Is primordial cyst and OKC same?
The initial terminology for an odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) was “primordial cyst,” as the origin of the lesion was thought to be the tooth primordium.
What is Multilocular radiolucency?
Introduction Multilocular radiolucency refers to a lesional appearance on the radiograph which is derived from erosion, bosselation, or scalloping of the endosteal surface at the advancing margin of the lesion, thus giving the charecteristic multiple loculated appearance.(1)