How can kamares ware be identified?

Kamares ware is characterized by light-on-dark abstract and floral patterns and elegant shapes.

What are kamares ware used for?

2100 BCE). By the LM IA period (ca. 1450), or the end of the First Palace Period, these wares decline in distribution and “vitality”. They have traditionally been interpreted as a prestige artifact, possibly used as an elite table-ware.

What is Minoan art known for?

Definition. The art of the Minoan civilization of Bronze Age Crete (2000-1500 BCE) displays a love of animal, sea, and plant life, which was used to decorate frescoes and pottery and also inspired forms in jewellery, stone vessels, and sculpture.

How was Mycenaean pottery made?

Minoan Origins In terms of raw material though, Mycenaean pottery is in fact often superior in quality to Minoan as the majority was made from old Yellow Minyan Clay and fired at higher temperatures than on Crete.

What is marine style in art?

Marine art or maritime art is a form of figurative art (that is, painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture) that portrays or draws its main inspiration from the sea. Maritime painting is a genre that depicts ships and the sea—a genre particularly strong from the 17th to 19th centuries.

What features suggests a main difference between Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations?

Mycenaean palaces are in fact citadels, built on a hill and fortified. Minoans, settled on an island and oriented towards trading, not expansion, had no need for defensive structures. Militant Mycenaeans had to surround their palaces with massive walls, also known as Cyclopean.

What traits characterize Minoan art in general?

Wall Paintings Minoans relied heavily on religious iconography, depicting the images of their gods and especially goddesses. Common motifs are also processions and sacred rituals, such as bull-leaping.

What features distinguished Minoan painting?

Minoan Painting Every painted figure is distinguished by its small waist, fluidity of form, and liveliness of character. Characters and natural settings alike benefit from the vibrant colors and high-contrast patterns, while Minoan aesthetic standards emphasized flexibility, spontaneity, and dynamic motion.

What type of design was popular on Mycenaean pottery?

Ephyraean style
LH IIB (c. 1490/1470 – 1435/1405 BC) During this period the most popular style was the Ephyraean style; most commonly represented on goblets and jugs.

What is the characteristic pottery shape of the Early Bronze Age Greek mainland?

At this time, all pottery was hand-made. An easily recognizable shape, the so-called sauceboat, is one of the most common new shapes, one that was usually plainly decorated with a glossy dark paint. The sauceboat shape may have been derived from metal prototypes or even from the shape of cut gourds (3).

What is marine drawing?