How can I wish my twins brother birthday?

I wish you the best that life has to offer, my dearest twin. Happy birthday to us! Life is always better when there is someone to share it with, and I am glad that I got to share my childhood with you. Happy Birthday, my dearest twin brother.

Do twins wish each other happy birthday?

Yes, of course. It can make our birthday even more fun since one of us will say happy birthday and the other will respond happy birthday! We don’t say thanks every time since it’s more fun to randomly say happy birthday (the whole exchange) throughout the day! Having a twin makes it so your birthday is never forgotten.

How do you wish twin daughters?

01Happy Birthday to my beautiful twin girls. You have brought my life immeasurable joy. 02Even though you are identical, you are both beautiful in your own ways. Happy birthday to my beautiful twin girls.

What is twin birthday?

“birthday twins” (born on the same day & same month) “birthdate twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year) “time twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year)

Do we say twin or twins?

“Twin” means the individual, not the pair. If you mean both of them, you would say “a pair of twins” or “a set of twins”. If you say “there are two twins”, that would mean two people who are both twins. We’d probably generally assume they are twins of each other, but that wouldn’t necessarily be the case.

Do you say twin or twins?

What does your half birthday mean?

half-birthdayalso half birthday noun [countable] a day which is exactly six months before or six months after the actual day a person was born.

How do you say happy birthday in two lines?

Short & Sweet Birthday Messages

  1. “Hope all your birthday wishes come true!”
  2. “It’s your special day — get out there and celebrate!”
  3. “Wishing you the biggest slice of happy today.”
  4. “I hope your celebration gives you many happy memories!”
  5. “Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!”